Country's Fun Facts

Fun fact about country you thought were based :
>You can get arrested for pirating entertainment there.

Attached: asia-japan-flag.png (1200x900, 308.23K)

Does anybody actually think modern day Japanese government is based ? I understand culture, entertainment, yada yada but government ?

Only when you pit them against China, then yeah. Otherwise, it ran by technologically illiterate boomers.

Going to prison for to a nigger.

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The bidets they have in every bathroom there turned out to be really handy.
They also gave me pseudo sexual satisfaction

brothels are basically legal in japan as long as they use the correct loopholes

In Japan you can get sued for saying a true statement about someone if it's bad for their public image. If you know someone who's cheating on their wife better keep quiet about it.

>post this one page from a manga chapter you aren't given permission to
>arresto, desu!
>upload this one animu episode you can found on YouTube
>arresto, desu!
>Oh, you're torrenting?
>arresto, desu!
That's quite an overreach, imo.

>make manga
>it actually gets published and gains interest because this isn't the united states of marvel films
>some niggers try to repost it online
>they get arrested

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>>You can get arrested for pirating entertainment there.
"WWaaahhh!!! No fair! Stealing comes with potential consequences!!! Boo-hoo!!!" - you

if you have a bad public image, the law protects it? what about jav pedos?


I'm glad Japan outlaws manga pirates and cancel culture

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique

every country is unique


fuck you you ruined it

You definitely would go to prison for inserting something into a nigger.