Moral Atheist here

Moral Atheist here.

Morality based on Evolution worked great for humans for thousands of years.
What helps my genes spread and leads to life is good, what makes it harder for my genes to spread and leads to death is evil. I share my genes with my children, family, my tribe, my nation in that order of importance.

Why do I need some jewish slave morality of death when the natural morality solves all the problems and works great?

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>Morality based on enslaving and mass producing pain
>Well its working for the overlords!
You're a brainlet

What pain? Are you fucking retarded? Creating more life is to create more happiness. Unborn humans can't feel anything.

>natural morality
Define "natural" and justify your definition.
"Works" implies a goal being worked towards. Define this goal and logically justify assigning ethical value and purpose to it.

>Define "natural" and justify your definition.
It is in our human nature programmed into us through evolution. It exists because it helped us survive and multiply as a species.

>"Works" implies a goal being worked towards. Define this goal and logically justify assigning ethical value and purpose to it.
The goal is to reproduce and thrive. We must colonize this Universe and all others that may exist.
It's the meaning of life, you know.

God is the spirit that lives through that to help your offspring. Born Atheist, now Catholic.
We are just not natural beings.
You and your offspring can procreate more often when you are free and living in abundance.
God is the spirit that is all good, he is perfection incarnate. Not some bearded man in the sky.
The Bible tells the story that to live through love and truth is the best way to not only procreate but to love your wife and raise children who can do the same.
The point of Religion is for a society to agree on what is the highest good and keep out degeneracy which will lead to corruption and slavery in governments.
It is not that you are wrong, but you need to think through 10 generations to understand that Sky Daddy is more helpful than nothing.
It is not just for a moral life, it's for a moral lineage.

To the point of slave morality, in order to reproduce you are a slave to the creative force of the female body, she is the one who can create life, you must serve her in order to foster a child that won't just be a slave. But you are a slave to nature itself. There is a reason for its slave morality, there is a reason that most of the original mythologies begin with humans enslaved to the gods. Prior to the last 10 thousand years of worshiping the phallogos, because prior to that we woriship the creative force of women, now we worship the creative force of man, culture and technology are its children, but dont mistake the trees for the forest.

Try again and this time write this in English.

The answer is that christianity is morality based on evolution. The issue is that you as a monkey man who evolved in the jungle are not smart enough to evaluate the events in a complicated supersociety. That's why religions evolved alongside societies

The reply box made it hard to proofread, facts though. I'll rewrite it.

Religions evolved to control weak plebs and force them to give you money.

we must assume heaven and hell do not exist because we have not found them out in space/below the earth yet

The bible says nothing about "hell" and doesn't define "heaven" as a place. It doesn't even define what a "god" is.

No. You're still fundamentally selfish.

Every human is? "Altruism" does not exist. You do everything for yourself.

Because, from an atheist pov, the bible is a human invention. And as you believe that humans follow evolution, you'd have to recognise Christianity as a natural stepstone in the evolutionary process from primate to the devoped mankind. Otherwise you'd have to reject books, laws, constitutions etc - but that would be evolutionary a disadvantage.

Christianity keeps the white man down. It's no longer useful and thus must die.

That’s negrospeak, lack of morality is a mental illness, it’s relatively well known despite the jews shitting over anything about it and it’s present usually in relatives of niggers.

>Moral Atheist here.
no such thing.

Please man, you are sane, do not waste your time arguing, it's pointless. I hope you acknowledge my post

What lack of morality? Natural morality was given to us by Evolution.

I'm here to shitpost. I know burger kids will pretend to be retarded ITT.


>because I said so