They have a point

They have a point.

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nice source faggot

Key word right there. One is a protected class, the other isn't.

Ironically enough it used to be the opposite. How the turn tables

Drag queens don't have easy access to kids

I don't like christcucks or faggots.

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for now

Are we supposed to be annoyed at the jewdicial system or judeo christian religions?

LOL. Liberal throw thier kids at lgbtbbq

fake news, first number is definitely not zero. however, both groups should be woodchipped

Politicians arrested for crimes against humanity

I’m not impressed.

>Convicted sex offenders in the LGBT community: way more than in any other walk of life
Stay mad, nonce. Seasoned, naturally

Tired of all the broken monkeys.

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> 0


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Yeah I remember reading a bunch of articles about drag queens being diddlers and sex offenders

were the children males?

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Cool, now do jews.

All groomers get the rope. No exceptions

Are they jealous of the Pastors for having easier access to children?

What the fuck is the 'upstate'
Like NY or some shit where drag queens can have a child event at a strip club and still not get arrested?

pedophile pastors are condemned and convicted by their OWN community members who are betrayed by such appaling acts
tranny groomers molest and abuse children brazenly in public, and are then protected vigorously by community members who refuse to aknowledge that the abuse even takes place.

this is what happens when one a group gets to declare themselves a protected class of citizens who don't have to adhere to the same standards and definitions as everyone else.

you think ANY cop wants to listen to a drag queen screeching on the way to the station?

yep, a shit ton of them have been arrested. probably alot more than pastors.

You bring up a good point, we need mandatory drag queen registration so we can track drag queen child molesting statistics. Right now we don't identify child molesters drag queen statistics.

Depends, is it a affront that justice is so uneven or is it a affront because pastors are being held to any legal jurisdiction at all?

Yeah- they're going after pastors instead of actual degenerates. Can't wait until the tables turn and nobody says anything about the trannies burning in alleyways everywhere. Just like the churches.

thats bullshit, but also, people slip through the justice system

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