Any Forums BTFO!

Race is a social construct. Race is not real. Race is not biological. It is a social construct. There is no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites.

There is no such thing as a nigger, we all shares the same genetics.

Attached: science-skin-color-bill-nye-fb17-png__700.jpg (700x368, 48K)

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OOA theory somehow only persists in the social sciences and mass media

Attached: Geneticists Discredit OoA.jpg (845x403, 150.8K)

Racism of the last couple years happened because white women shunned their own men and their will continue to be blood. They have erased them from tv. You can blame white women for all of this.

Holy shit, it has to do with sunlight? How are we just now finding out about this?

The haplotypes (gene variants) mentioned are all on one special chromosome, the human Y-chromosome (this is the sex chromosome that determines gender). The Y-chromosome doesn't recombine. So variants on it don't give independent sources of evidence. Just like 'mitochondrial eve', the ancestral type is just the most recent ancestor that had that chromosome. Though it may tell us something about the 'most recent common ancestral' human being that had that particular chromosome, the particular ancestry can and does vary for the many other bits of the human genome. For a clear picture of human ancestry, you therefore need to examine many independent genetic linkage groups.

Haplotypes are not people, they are gene fragments, and the story they tell can bear little relationship to the ancestry of the people they belong to.


Isn't this literally Lewontin's fallacy?

Niggers tongue my anus.


>Race is not biological
>Here's the biological "science" behind skin colour differences

Attached: 1.png (571x736, 744.17K)

>race doesnt exist
>racism is real

>Lewontin's fallacy
Debunked, chud

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-22.png (864x351, 62.46K)

Race is a social construct that's why niggers have such shitty lives- they can't build anything better

> evolution is true
> race isn’t real

Pick one

Race is a leftwing concept, humans are divided in different subspecies.

>Knowing anything about race

Attached: Billnye.png (496x369, 513.1K)

Out of nigger theory has been debunked...

Cope harder mutt, then seethe and dilate, don't forget to dilate.

This is scientifically true. The main subspecies are 4, divided in races that are divided in subraces. An example
SPECIE: Homo Sapiens
SUBSPECIE: Caucasoid
Race: Mediterrean
Subrace: Pontid

Out of Africa has been thoroughly deboonked

Attached: The-Roman-Destruction-Of-Judea.jpg (1024x567, 116.19K)

>Charles C Roseman

I know this is bait and a shit one at that, yet i can't help but wonder how of 15 posters no one ever fucking pointed out that the typical leftist strawman is incorrect because race WAS NEVER ABOUT SKIN COLOUR? Out of africa is fucking irrelevant here, when the main point is that racial difference can be found down to mean differences at any level from skull shape to muscle fyber to hominid ancestry
The userbase went to shit, you fags don't even know how to rebuke basic leftoid fallacies ffs

If Races don't exist then Racism is impossible. Please stop complaining about racism in all aspects of life. Thank you for your compliance.

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Dude that doesn’t even make sense. They had races before knowing about DNA.

Attached: 1660987566322327m.jpg (985x1024, 98.29K)

Only you two seem to get it, at least.