Labor creates value because... because fuck you thats why

>labor creates value because... because fuck you thats why

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not this fucking thread again.

Are u not labor?

>yes this thread again!
Fify's SOCIALLY USEFUL labor...haha didn't see that one coming did you.
>millions died because of this hack

Labor creates value because this is the natural cycle of things. To do it is to make it is to create it is to make reality truth. Think of how your moms did labor. They created you and pushed you out which is to create life and to create value because you are valuable. At least I think you are. So if your mom is to create value through labor you also create value through labor because you give it back to her. This is why labor creates value. And we labor to create more value so that the cycle continues when we have kids and our wives do the same through their labor. It’s an infinite cycle of labor and value.

Does AI and APU/AMU (Automated Production or Manufacturing Units) render communism moot?
Automation by definition brings equality in labor as all well functioning machines of partucular model will have the same performance and requirements

Didn't Hitler prove that labor could create value?

Did you mean to post Adam Smith?

Hitler absolutely didn't give a fuck about economy, his economic policy was spending money fast (to rearm), and Nazi Germany was quite literally saved by appropriating Austrian and Czech gold reserves.
But if war didn't happen by 1942 or 1943, their economy would collapse.

I mean, that was his plan all along, but framing Hitler as some economic genius is peak brainletism.

>be a kike leech who always lived off gibs
>hello there, let me tell you all about what workers are about

Hitlers economics were overrated, yeah. But cut some slack it had a recovery andand some thought was put in to it, but in general even in late war years it was pretty chaotic
(Being so retarded that you only go full total war economy only in 1944)

>a leftist unfamiliar with work
maybe that's why they think everything can/should be free

"GIBS MEDAT FOR FREE" - unemployed nigger santa

Recovery was the work of Hjalmar Schacht, the man who jumped ship when he realized Nazis were retarded charlatans and their goal was indeed colonial expansion into Eastern Europe and not some ''rational'' foreign policy.

Not true. Rearmament wasn't that behemoth you picture it and the debasement of the Reichsmark by the usage of the Mefo-Wechsel-sytem engineered by Hjalmar Schacht was the domineering facet of his monetary policy.
He had quite an innovative understanding of monetary policies and set up an interesting economical model, which is an important difference from Italian Fascism and makes for a clear distinction between the nationalsocialist economical model and fascist Italy's corporatism.

One should consider Hitler's economy as a politicised economy, subjugating it under the political realm in order to benefit the people in so far.

Communists don't think everything should be free.
He who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat. Literally in Soviet Constitution.
You have a warped view of what communists were like because you see them through the lens of modern American ''communists'' and propaganda spewed over decades.

Don't get me wrong, I highly dislike them, but one should learn facts and not cartoons masquerading as history.

where does value come from then? just magic?

>Using a country that flopped on all its beliefs as an example

Again not true.
Schacht became politically marginalized and simply slipped out of the picture,
Your apologetic view on him simply is not true (see historical appraisals of his role).
Furthermore nothing about the grand goals of nationalsocialist politics was hidden or shrouded. People knew, what was coming since the 1920s, The programatical writings, Mein Kampf and so on stated all goals and the trajectory clearly.
Schacht was in attendance, when Hitler made his goals clear in March of 1933 before the Reichswehr leadership in an extensive speech, as well when the 4-Jahres-Plan was instigated in 1936.

Read up, before you bark.

>He who doesn't work, doesn't get to eat.
this is no different than capitalism, this is not special to communism. but in capitalist societies what happens if you don't have money for food? then there are social services that can get you food via the government. a SOCIAL service, SOCIALISM. communism is the goal of socialism. socialism is literally GIBS MEDAT FOR FREE. socialism and communism are fucking retarded and should be completely eradicated.

>Not true. Rearmament wasn't that behemoth
Overall economic policies were draining German currency reserves at an alarming pace, and given the dependence of German economy on imports...connect the dots.
>One should consider Hitler's economy as a politicised economy
One should consider the bureaucratic nightmare that was acquiring rubber in Nazi Germany, for example. Italian fascism wasn't stellar either, Italy was performing weakly.

Sad truth is, save for some individuals, a lot of Nazis were incompetent hitchhikers, sycophants, brutes, opportunists and generally lowly educated people. Talking about those who reached higher echelons.

Facets of German society which weren't infiltrated by them functioned okay, but as they gained more control, more inefficiency was the result.

Take for example Wehrmacht, it wasn't ''Nazi'' army, it was a professional army which avoided Nazi takeover until late war. Quality declined as a result.

Of course, I'm generalizing hard, but this is one broad assessment of general trend in Germany in 1933-1945 period.

yes.. because you need to pay for labour unless
>u fucken do it
so thats how the value is created

I was about to say this. Hitler saved Germany by basing the reichsmark in German labor instead of international capitol

I'm just trying to say that OG communists weren't bleeding heart liberals who tolerated shit Americans tolerate in 2022.
Soviet regime, especially after Stalin, was a totalitarian/authoritarian state which cracked down brutally on any liberal tendencies.
I'm talking about historical communism, not American retards. You have a lot of retarded people who run their mouths, so you shouldn't observe historical trends from what you see in present day.
>Schacht became politically marginalized
Because he didn't play ball with what he saw as disastrous economic policies.
>People knew
People ''knew'' Germany was chaotic and wanted stability and order. Do you think every German read Mein Kampf and fully embraced all it's tenets?
That's not how it works.

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Given the variance among "communist" economical models, employed until the present day from North Korea to China and Cuba to name a few, and among which one could count the social-democratical so called Rhinish economies of Germany and France. It is moronic to speak of a distinct "communist" economical model.
In fact, one can argue with credibility, that the US economy after FDR's New Deal is some form of communist economy as well.