Be honest

You faggots don't care about muh white race. You're just bitter incels. If a relatively good looking sheboon wanted to be your gf, you'd immediately accept and forget about the white race.

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I love black

>If a relatively good looking sheboon wanted to be your gf, you'd immediately accept
Nope, only European (preferably Serbian from my town) and maybe, just maybe some nip bitch if she was 10/10 in looks and personality.

Even if a nigger was a 10/10,

at the wedding, her nigger buddies will be fucking with your white family. Trying that racist bullshit on them.

You'd literally open up your family to be attacked by niggers, just by dating a nigger.

Not worth the price!

But then again, some of you are such desperate losers, you wouldn't even care if your family got attacked. "Doesn't matter, had sex!" sorta desperate vibe.

No, I really wouldn't, I don't see them as human

Kill yourselves niggerlovers

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I'm greek, I never cared about the white race all will receive the BGC

>don't care about muh white race
>If a relatively good looking sheboon wanted to be your gf, you'd immediately accept
those aren't mutually exclusive.

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Am I the only user who's never masturbated or even looked at a black woman lustfully? Literally never, I can't masturbate to them. They look unnatural.

i hate pointless violence, simple as. #NiggersBehindBars

Your pic doesn't even look human. It looks like a trans female plastic doll.

A shaniqua used to show me her panties in high school. Did she wanted to fuck or was it some negro custom I had no prior knowledge about

Be quiet, subhuman mutt.


show flag nigger

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>literally looks like shit
not on my worst day

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So basically negroids who do not look like a typical negroid, but with more caucasian feature and not nigger hair tend to look better?

Black girls hit on me all the time.
Blue eyed white devil is actually their muse.
I refuse them all the time because I wouldn’t fuck a subhuman.
The lowest all go are hazel eyed Latinas

This. It's like being attracted to a literal primate. Any White man who fucks a nigger is mentally ill.

Attached: ABSOLUTE DISGUST.webm (282x500, 2.93M)

Yknow? I just don't fucking understand it. Not ONE WHITE GUY who was into black women wasn't into them for some weird fetish reason. If they weren't raised around them then it's never natural and even then it's still uncommon because so many people look for familiarity.

No. Wrong. Any white with any kind of evolutionary sense left in their bodies will look at a darkie and go, "No, thank you." Because your very essence is repulsed by those with such different genetics. It's genetic in-group genetic clan preference. So strong that The System has to step in & mess shit up in order to prevent it from naturally occurring in all hominids.
