I was just forced to pay 600 euro for 1 MWh of electricity

I was just forced to pay 600 euro for 1 MWh of electricity.

How the fuck am I suppose to keep going?.

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You are not. Get in the pod and start shoving bugs in your yap.

With kick to your teeth, and screaming terrified mother begging your life. Do as you are told and stop whining, or be given something worth complaining about. Go.

Is there a point at which the people of any european country will put in the work required to be free ?
Will europeans simply sit freezing and hungry in their apartments this winter bemoaning the fact that the decision makers in their respective countries take their direction from a luciferian global " elite" that wants to enslave them ?

Dont buy New stuff, dont go out to eat, dont Party.
Donate soweit blond get soweit extra Cash

Move to Poland.

For Ukraine.

Europe is Not China. Half the people i know bought guns in the last 3 years

The irony is that the carbon tax credits that cost us so much are paid to upgrade Chinese industry.

just make more money.
I‘m rich and dont even care about what 1MWh costs.

>600 euro for 1 MWh of electricity
Uh is that a lot or not?
>How the fuck am I suppose to keep going?
Maybe stop being poor?

It was 4000eur mwh here few days ago faggot.

greens voter spotted. go jump off a Bridge to reduce your carbon footprint please

I dont vote, voting is a waste of time.
I just make money.

>600 euro for 1 MWh of electricity
>Uh is that a lot or not?
Payed 440 euro 4 days ago.
>Maybe stop being poor?
What do you mean poor?

> Pretending to be rich.
> On 4chins.
Yeah, this is obviously where all the bigtime CEOs hang out, innit.

>How the fuck am I suppose to keep going?.
maybe don't use a whole fucking MWh of electricity retard. ever heard of cooking on fire?

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Maybe you are a dumbass and uses electricity for heating in the worst way possible.

One of the alternatives (besides the use of some other source of energy for heat) is infrared heating, it can be aimed directly at what needs to be heated (it doesn't work by heating up the air) or at the walls, ceiling and floor so they accumulate heat and warm up the house. There are also many types of panels.



Another video I saw used hot air tubes below the floor and it was claimed to be way more efficient than other electric heaters.

It was 440 on 19th here too.

Time to collect firewood, user, and thank your masters

Just build your own power plant.

I heat paint that's on your folkswagon

90€ here, 75 for Industry, keep supporting Ukraine faggots

You have 1 MWh for 750 euro you Muslim fuck


live like a boomer end like a boomer.
i wonder though why you would stay in taxland if money is what you care about?

I'm not muslim, but your neighbour Germany will be in 10 years

You know what you have to do. You are a coward however and you won’t do anything. You are pathetic and you deserve everything that happens to you.

I used 5000 kWh last month and paid 600 dollars. Feels good man

Directly aiming it at you if you aren't using a high powered (probably non-electric) model seems to be a bad idea:


It's worse than not doing anything, most people worship and protect those half-negroes and persecute whoever disagrees with their hivemind.

If dumb normies didn't do anything it would be better than being demented.

Laughs in American

Attached: CD9E2DD7-140E-4A65-A183-935BA90185F0.jpg (1125x2436, 287.33K)

People are truly pathetic in modern times. They will never revolt against their masters. They love being slaves.

I'd wager that at least a third of the population over here is armed in one way or another. during corona hysteria I talked to a couple of people who you would never expect to have guns. boomers who stocked up on ammo at the time or young doctors who were slowly fed up with the bullshit told to the public. the germans are a funny people. we patiently wait for the savior and don't despair in the meantime. when the next Hitler comes around and allows us to go nuts, it will take only a month for the entire EU to collapse. mark my words

I hope you've moved your assets out of the euro and dollar zone. We have only seen two inflation shocks so far, both in a relatively stable political and economic environment. There will be more in the near future and they will be accompanied by riots and looting.

The stock market is a massacre since last week. The investors are taking their capital out of the western markets.

Do you have electric heat or something? I use ~150KWh a month.

Yes, but don’t you feel better knowing you’re saving the planet?

what did you do to use that much electricity, bitcoin farming? time to by the solar jew.

I just paid $50 for 2 months of electricity.

Go hold up a sign outside a politicians house and tell your friends to join you

Powder coating for VW.