Despite our difficult past...

Despite our difficult past, we save our neighbours Ukrainians from being genocided as our Lord Jesus Christ and his Mother Mary taught us.

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Of course you'd want to save your brothers, mongoloid. I, an Anglo-Saxon, however, would not like to do that.

they are children of God like all of us.

>I, an Anglo-Saxon

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You will never retake Lvov.

We are not christian and we blessed every Javelin we sent with the curse of the Old Gods to always strike true and incinerate vatnig kotlets.

It's Lyviv chud

>I, an Anglo-Saxon
t. Pablo Maria Sanchez.

It's Lvvv, use the proper roman names

You know normally when people say difficult past it doesn't include when you can ask your great-grandma how the person or group nailed her baby brother to a tree, or killed all her friends and family.

Ik, you're doing a great work. Thanks to your cooperative planning of counter-offensives they retook so many territories, they certainly will return home now and rebuild on your-
>Oh, right, German money

I would help ukrainian people but not their state

find for yourself how people who survived it talk about current war.

It's realy nice to see that all that Catholic country isn't just empty talk and people do have values they fallow

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Yeah, let pretend our entire policy about supporting hohols isn't build on "better them than us" mentality.

Yeah? Usualy you are one who get genocided. Why do you think it will be diferent this time?

>Yeah? Usualy you are one who get genocided.
like when?
besides muh WW2.
also, drop the meme flag.

It's Levi'v, goyim

>Ik, you're doing a great work. Thanks to your cooperative planning of counter-offensives
I believe you call actions like that - maskirovka

Thank you.

Wait so the polish "people" that got genocided harder than a jewish wet dream are supporting Ukraine? Either that's a lie, or the hohols should just role in and take over the poland when they lose the Ukraine.

You borrow our god vermin. I have no hatred for you, as you are one of god’s creations. However the spark of divinity is absent within you. Your only purpose in this world is to provide cute women that speak incomprehensible words made of too many consonants to the white man of the west, the true children of god.

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Mary didnt teach anything

They literally genocided poles.

Who didn't?

you do it because you're evil nazi mongols with half of your family having grandfather in SS seeking revenge for Russia punishing your people for your genocide of Jews by sending them to Siberia, we do it because we're virtue signalling christians carying about values more than profits.

Countries so mentally far apart can be so close when your neighbor is Russia. Interesting