200 Пo Bcтpeчнoй

>200 Пo Bcтpeчнoй
Imagine hitting the wall at 200 km/h…

Attached: 296CCAC1-574A-4333-ABC4-71A8E2F7536D.jpg (567x291, 45.82K)

Same face with different lighting, make up and pose

The only difference is make up

>200 km/h…
How fast is that in real units? Is it a lot?

Still would.

you can see the empty deadness in her eyes even on the left

124 mph.

It’s about two snakes in a blink of an eye

faith goldy?

left:tinder right:driver license

>Any Forumscels seething because they will never be the chad she danced with in the club

I'm thinking vaxxaids

No she‘s just lost massive amount of fat

About 14 BigMac's with 3 big fries

I think she looks better on the right.

no there is clearly a lower fody fat mass in the second one

I love club whores, half a pinger and a line of whip and your balls deep in their asshole.

this, she looks so soulless

47 bullets per big mac.



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