Russian civil war beginning?

Dugina assassination was a warning and show of force by one Russian glownigger faction to another.

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Dugin arranged it himself as an occult sacrifice.

This. Only true knowledgers understand


I'm not so sure. I can't wait to find out why Dugin has a hit on him.

it's 100% proven because a russian liberal living in exile said it and western media ran with it

So it was not a near miss by some very overpaid NATO contractor?

Is the expert that keeps saying stuff?

Dugin's noname, why'd anyone care?

His reaction and comments beforehand confirm it.

>No it wasn't the glowies trust me bro!!!
>Cameras being turned off beforehand? Just a coincidence!
>Him switching cars in the last minute? Pure coincidence, nothing to see here!

Now he's nodaughter too.

this is cope.

If he's a no name why did his daughteru get exploded

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GRU in full damage control mode.

also waiting for comments
>b-but, muh Christian defender
>russia is the last hope of white man

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Oof, "knowledgers"? HAHAHA Come on man..


Nigga he's Jewtin's brain.

Because some 2ch degroid (either hardcore liberal, churka or Ukranian) decided to mess up his life because of butthurt about his imperialistic gencidical ideas, somple as that.
Tesak had the same incident.

>t. Ukranian intelligence chief.
Don't forget to add he's also a commie. Not like you read any of his stupid works.

>Dugina assassination was a warning and show of force by one Russian glownigger faction to another.
Which faction is Snowden on?
Ask @Snowden
>occult sacrifice
>Only true knowledgers understand
Oh shit... she got Bhengazi'd didn't she...

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I love the "he's irrelevant" meme because it gets absolutely BTFOd the second you look at Russian propagandist reactions. Nonstop seething and muh "THIS IS IT THE LINE WAS CROSSED UKRAINE MUST PAY"

Westerners have to invent Marvel villain backstories to justify carbombing little girls in front of their nerd daddy. This is evidence of it:
Supporting a war effort as an intellectual makes you Putin's top military advisor apparently. Damn, these people are fucking stupid.

Hopefully it was the Ukrainians that did the hit. It also makes sense as they strike with impunity deep behind enemy lines. She was cute too bad.

>little girls
Murifat.... She was over 30