Thief steals special need's womans paycheck

only a stinky nigger or kike would do something like this, what can we do to protect the special needs folks pol??

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that sure is low, what a piece of shit.

Why does a tard need to work in the first place?

Oh not not my hecking genetic defecterinos they're so special and precious. What sort of monster would harm these defective little hummie wummies.

The most humane thing we can do for whites with serious defects is to abort them so their Aryan souls are not tortured in broken bodies. No white should ever have to experience life with the IQ of a nigger.

Chinks have no empathy confirmed

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I don't think we can help the handicapped. Just this week a nigger stabbed a man in a wheelchair to death in london. The pajeet mayor of london blamed the stabbing on global warming, you see, the nigger was suffering from a heatwave.

At least you can get some productivity out of them instead of being a permanent drain on society like niggers.

not like she wanted to be born this way, the least you can do is show some empathy. anybody can be born a tard.

>comment says that 11 of the 15 employees are "special needs" in some manner
God, imagine what happens to your ice cream cone before it gets to you. There's probably fucking finger holes and boogers in every order.

Sure, there but for the grace of God go you or I. This doesn't change the fact that these people are for the most part a massive drain on society.

>only a stinky nigger or kike would do something like this,
Or the cops. Kill yourself shill.

They still have most of the desires of regular people, and they can still be productive in a small way. If they would rather earn a little money to feel good about the stuff they buy then good for them. They don't really *want* to be neets. Make of that what you will.

I would do very sexual things to Clarise Tinsley

Why does a retard have a job? Why are people getting paid with paper checks? Why are you giving a retard a check? Who gave a retard a bank account? Shit don't add up

I'd hire a a downy before I hire a nigger

>Yes goyim, you need to work to pay the taxes, otherwise you are not CONTRIBUITING!
Fuck you leafnigger and fuck work, being a NEET is the ultimate way to fight the kikes

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Makes sense, the tard is guaranteed to have a higher IQ than the average nigger.


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Americans still get paychecks? What the fuck?