Which side of the political spectrum has the most success with women?

Which side of the political spectrum has the most success with women?

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The non-faggot side.


radical centrists

The meme is that Destiny has fucked way more girls than Sneako (more guys also desu). Sneako seems like he has good intentions and has some things figured out but also comes off as a bit batshit crazy. Destiny may have some pretty shit takes but he's at least pretty well put together.

>h-he most d-def got that b-bussy ahahahahah he is great....

Are you racist or not dude?

what type of femanoids?
average and good looking and above?
side that offers them means to party, fuck and dance.

ugly ones like left, right, center and whatever other shit is there.

Imagining knowing these people or any of this useless shit, jfc. You should just kill yourself now and avoid decades of misery for yourself and anyone unfortunate enough to have to interact with you.

Whichever has the most money

that's a moggin'


Is this what Americans look like?

You replied to the thread about them...
What can I say, I like watching him and nick the spic go at it, great entertainment

Tbh we are at a point where lefty fem bots are imagine being used by trump supporters or any other non-left male.

Attached: leftists.png (303x407, 127.26K)

because after all the "shaming" and societal pressure you confidently say your a conservative its attractive and doesn't surprise me one bit in fact i bet its a lot more common than you'd might think right leaning men are more manly and confident.

bros i want a liberal woman with a big booty to smack repeatedly

The incel comics were onto something back then.

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Art imitates life and vice versa ...

Attached: feminism-es-all-w-misogynist-women-no-more-dont-you-3180067.png (500x815, 153.19K)

Women or sheboons?

Destiny needs to disable the big head cheat code before his manlet body caves in on itself

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