Cops wasted 2 weeks and over 20,000 man hours searching for missing white girl and came up with nothing

>cops wasted 2 weeks and over 20,000 man hours searching for missing white girl and came up with nothing
>Youtubers then found her in a day
>her body was found right near the party
This shit isn’t adding up

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And any second we'll find out the killer was a white racist incel and suddenly the media won't be covering this story anymore...

>he thought cops are good at anything but harassing kids and people driving 5 miles over the speed limit


Its because cops are lazy pigs these guys find a bunch of cold cases because cops are scared of water also oh and since I cant get a good captcha its also because if they find her fast they cant post all that over time literally using human suffering to line their pockets

ACAB basically

>Be cop
>Also be retarded enough to be a cop
Cops are retarded by definition.

How the fuck is a 16 YO a high school graduate and car owner? They cant even get licenses.

Cops are useless.

>Didn't search the lake

well it's not like she's getting any deader if she's down there

Contract I was working on, the charge numbers got out somehow and everyone (immoral) in HQ was using them to justify themselves on the weekly timesheet, but not working the contract.

Might be what happened here. I would be checking those hours.

My sister had a license and her HS diploma at 16, she just graduated a year early. I also had my license at 16, its normal in the U.S. if you aren't a nigger (they take the bus).

Maybe the Youtubers were at that party too

>didnt search
worse, they actively excluded it:
>The body of water was an area cops had previously ticked off the list of possible places she had ended up after the event on August 6
'uh, that big wet bit right by where the party was? Thassa water, she couldnt have driven into that, No Sir..'

It adds up perfectly, government is literally incapable of even a thousandth of the efficiency of what the free market / private enterprise is capable of. Taxation is a guarantee of permanent serfdom.

Graduate part is unusual but you can fast track american hs pretty easily if you are motivated to. Driving at 16 is standard

Water is so clear there you could probably have spotted it with a $500 drone from costco

>making time-and-a-half OT
>"that's retarded!"
i've got bad news user, it's not the cops that are retarded...

cops are retarded good for nothing goy-dogs who oppress the white population for Jews and shekels

Drivers license age in the US is 16. It’s kind of a coming-of-age thing here.

>How the fuck is a 16 YO a high school graduate
US schools are ridiculously easy. I could have graduated at 16 but I decided to take just 1 class a semester for JR and SR year

Cops cannot do anything but issue speeding tickets. They're horribly inefficient at everything they do.

Awe gee, it is almost like all the state police wanted to get overtime or are just retards (most likely both).

Stop it you ignorant hillbilly

Or she was beheaded and thrown in a river by the usual suspects.

their investigative abilities extend to: accepting confessions, and connecting people covered in blood to recent crimes.

Lol ok Leaf, don’t you mean the other way around??

seems like it adds up to me

>incompetent police cant find her
>teen leaves party texts mom im coming home
likely drunk, obviously inexperienced driver at 16
>blacks out or does something stupid and car plunges into river, panics and drowns

that psycho retard AWP found her lmao. Man the rest of the search team is never going to live that shit down.

Sounds like that body of water finds bodies regularly, but why did copas rapem

by the youtubers that found her in an insane publicity stunt

High school is four years because the law says four years. If the requirement for graduating was based on academic progress then 16 would be normal.

a random retard with a 20$ snorkel is infinitely more trustworthy than any government body

Do you live in opposite land you fucking retard?

>can finish search in less than a day, or
>can take months and pay overtime and make a case for added training added to the budget
lmao, you retards don't know how modern governments work. they're corrupt shitholes.

cops are 20 IQ faggots

bad parenting

Facts. I'd rather our entire government be run by a single hamster than elect the highest IQ pHD in the universe as president. Nothing at all, and perhaps a totally random outcome sometimes, would be better than the last entirety of human history.

>car plunges into river
it was literally in 14 feet of water next to where they partying. Sus is maybe, no-one seen it go in, allegedly.

this. fucking stop paying income taxes, spread the tax rebellion sentiment everywhere you go. fuck income taxes, they destroy the middle class. govt is useless and all govt employees are overpaid wastes of space

I was right. Why did this take so long?

It was right fucking there.

They pulled her car out of the water. Sounds like foul play.

She was found on the passenger side. Left side of car damaged on the outside.

She probably OD’d or something and they put her in the drivers seat and drove it in.