Why Doesn't Aid to Africa Work?

Invest 14 minutes in watching a gay YouTuber try really hard not to use the N-word as he describes how (((Jeffrey Sachs'))) Millennium Village project failed like Chris-Chan at an Olympic track and field event. All sorts of explanations are wheeled out, but the takeaway is that white people gave the aid without being sensitive enough to what niggers need, and that the clownish amounts of money these neoliberal retards blew in Uganda would have been better spent as giveaways instead of what it actually went to pay for.

In the video, we learn that you can hire white university graduates to calculate down to the kilo how much corn a specific village should plant, only to transport it there and find out Ugandans don't like corn. We hear about the water source located three miles uphill from a village, and how Sachs wheedled $150,000 out of a guilty fellow white to buy some pipe for irrigation, only to learn it costs $130,000 to ship the pipe to Darkest Africa. So he bought eight donkeys instead. Six months later the niggers had worked half of them to death and there was no irrigation.
The video talks about mosquito netting the Gates Foundation donated to Africa to reduce children's mortality by up to 33%, and how niggers put the nets over their goats instead. It touches on "irrational economic behavior" by niggers, who take all the aid money they get and spend it on parties and gifts for neighbors to show off. It describes the horrors of white countries imposing even the tiniest conditions on receiving aid, like not stealing it or buying yachts for the generals, and it lovingly cites China's policy of just shoveling free money at the niggers without asking about why the police need so many thumbscrews. It even refers to Chinese aid as being. . . get a load of this: "no strings attached," kek.

Lots of fun. Have a watch: youtube.com/watch?v=OliY4rt59Ys

Anyway, how big is the table leg we need to beat liberal idiots with before they'll admit the obvious?

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You bastard you lied.

not my problem

Lied about what, Polymatter being gay? I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Reading through these comments in the video: all these losers with their "explanations" for why it didn't work and what happened. The answer is simple.


The comments are the best part. None of these faggots can bring themselves to see why Africans don't flourish like Koreans with market reforms and free investment capital. It's a big puzzle they keep banging their $100,000 educations into and not solving it.

Because the aid doesn't make it there. It goes into a couple of oligarchs pockets. Every single charity is a scam.

Check my ID as proof. Regardless if the money did actually make it to Africa it would wasted anyways.

zerkerjew gave 100 million to nigger schools in NJ and it all got wasted on bullshit, and not cent of it went to the schools

>Because the aid doesn't make it there. It goes into a couple of oligarchs pockets. Every single charity is a scam.

True, but the Sachs program was specifically design to get around that by totally bypassing local officials and applying the aid directly. Niggers still managed to sabotage themselves.

>Every single charity is a scam.
this, they fly around first class and on private jets, and most charities use 90% or more of the money on admin costs. the same thing happened to people who donated to Bernie and Trump. They use all the money for personal things, travel cost, eating, first class hotels. Same thing happened with the trucker convoy, all the money went to nothing.


you can lead a horse to water

It was never meant as aid. It was so China or anyone else wouldn't fuck around over there.

Africa is a dump. I worked in Africa for a while when the Chinese were just showing up to steal all the gas, oil and gold. Land rights in this part of Africa are still tribal meaning big nigga chief owned the land and the little niggas just squatted on his property. The chinamen would come and offer to build a road, or a school or a hospital and then give the big nigga a satellite for tv and a leather couch then they would fuck up the land and take all the oil out from big niggas feet.
The Chinese are smart in that they know niggers can't do anything so they just bribe them like the early settlers bribed the indians for their land. Give them a few trinkets and a hospital that will never be properly staffed or utilized and they can have millions and million of dollars of oil for essentially free.

We were had to stop working in Nigeria because every time we would set up a lab for they we would come back in a year or two and everything would be gone and no one could find the nigga in charge of the lab. You can't fix stupid.

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Consider the German minister whose daughter was raped and murdered and they're still pro-immivasion.

It fails because white people try to intervene in the third world from a first world mindset.
It reminded me about the YPG larpers in Syria who found out there wasn't body armour, nor combat medics, nor medivacs and the best equipment they got was a rusty AK.
Africa is the same, white people larping the saviour of negroid race are clueless about African realities and end up implementing poor solutions that makes everything worst for everyone.
And even then feeding an invasive species like the negroes is preventing nature mechanism for natural selection this creating a nigger pest problem, in short do not feed the nigger.

The biggest hurdle to overcome is education and morals. To do that will fundamentally require a culture gap between two generations.

Money would best be spent first on 1000 Christian boarding schools for 30 years.
Get the kids away from poverty, crime, bad culture, and malnutrition. From 5-10 years after starting you can start on infrastructure.
After everything else can you start on health. If you do health first the population wil explode even faster than it already is.

It's not a charity per se (it's a nonprofit), but I say that if one wants to donate money to a worthy cause, give it to archive.org
all of us on Any Forums owe a debt to them for the wayback machine and the huge collection of books and other media, and they aren't pozzed like wikipedia

One of the main reasons that Africa doesn't succeed, despite there being 54 separate nations (depending on how you count them) is the economic policies of most of those nations. Corruption is endemic in the system mainly because it's easier to pay off an official than it is to adhere to the crippling regulations, tariffs and other impediments to the flourishing of business-minded Africans. They simply cannot compete. They are hobbled by their own poor judgement and political systems that are either fascist or communist in their orientation.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You have never been to Africa. As the local scientist said to me "Africans don't want to live like white people". They don't want to live like Europeans. You can witness this anywhere the negroid settles outside of Africa. They like to leach from western countries but never will put in the effort to have these things themselves. You are a fool.

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LOL, yes, in the Italian TV there was a case of a African girl who got educated in an Italian university and went back to Africa to help her people, she found out that the elders of the village forbade her from implementing any change to their lifestyle so she was forced to go back to Italy.
Oddly enough the best you can do with the negroid is giving the vast amounts of guns, like the Soviets did, it's better for everyone in the world that those subhumans kill each other so their population can be lowered.

A good example is the free shoes charity that fucking destroyed the economic viability of many Africans.

>Why Doesn't Aid to Africa Work?
Aid to Africa creates niggers.
Niggers make things worse.

>or just watch "Empire of Dust" and draw your own inferences

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The best Aid for Africa is AIDS

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