Why is circumcision pushed on western society?

Personally I believe that circumcision is based. It gives a man extra powers. I view it from an ass pennies perspective.

I am glad my shaft was trimmed up (I have a high and tight). I am also glad that my baby foreskin was sold to cosmetics manufacturers for research and product development. Every time a woman pisses me off....I just look her directly in the eyes and smile....Knowing full well that her as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of women rub my foreskin particles on their faces every morning. What makes it even more satisfying is knowing that they do this to impress other men. Being circumcised is like being the ultimate Chad: Every day I cuck a very large portion of this planet's male population.....and they have no idea.

My son will also be circumcised. Upon his 13th birthday I will convey to him the power bestowed upon him by his circumcised shaft. And this rite shall continue perpetuity for many generations.

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>lose sensitivity
>lose thousands of unique chemical receptors
>makes you worse at sex
>creates a permanent pain reaction
>no actual benefits
(((Stockholm))) syndrome

>Why is circumcision pushed on western society?

Because talmudists are told to circumcise their entire household, which includes their slaves.

Fuck off chink leaf.

Please kill yourself

Do chinks like yourself even have dicks? I swear you fucks reproduce by osmosis

It's almost entirely a burguer thing in the west. It shows how much the kikes rule you.

Says the favela nigger

I've had a bad case of phymosis in the past 4 weeks. I think the doctor will sign me up to get chopped.
I kinda want it because since I'm a kid I have recurring phymosis.

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just think of me next time you kiss your girl.

I got circumsized as an adult. There's not that big of a difference. One benefit of being circumcized is your pee stream is less likely to come out crooked when you wake up in the middle of the night and go to take a piss. If it's something you choose to do as an adult, make sure you are confident in your surgeon and clearly communicate what results you are expecting. Ideally show him a picture like OP posted. Overall, it's important to remember that all surgeries carry a certain level of risk and the best thing is to not go cutting up your own body unless it's really important to you for some reason. As far as circumsized incels who are angry at Jews because they feel like they lost out on a part of the masturbation experience, holy shit that's just pathetic.


Bob is that you?

I am curious as to what the feeling difference is like, really?

How's my fellow high and tight bros?

>less likely to come out crooked
Literally just pull it back you stupid fuck

i was born with aposthia im the only male in my family with no foreskin and i can't even blame my parents .

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Steroid cream and stretching exercises. No need to mutilate yourself.

>get kicked out over a hundred times throughout history
>some of them weed out the kikes by pulling their pants down and checking their circumcised dicks
>trick american gentiles into mutilating their babies so it's harder for them to do just that
>do it through kike infested medical board and lie about cleanliness and STDs
>lie about Kellogg's fag to make it seem like le white Christian man pushed it (he didnt outside other puritan fags)
Congeats, you lost your manhood so kikes could avoid the inevitable.

I've never really seen anyone critique the function of the foreskin, The way I see it the foreskin is there so you don't have to "lick it before you stick it" as it acts as a friction modifier upon initial insertion especially in tight circumstances.

Adults can choose what to do with their bodies.

There is no reason to cut open a baby's penis the same day they are born and then put them in a diaper full of piss and shit. That's just asking for an infection. You couldn't wait for the child to at least be potty trained? You couldn't wait for them to reach an age of majority to consent to the procedure?

dont forget to thank your rabbi

Your girlfriend has my foreskin particles on her face bro. Zing!

>Personally I believe that circumcision is based. It gives a man extra powers. I view it from an ass pennies perspective.
>I am glad my shaft was trimmed up
Textbook Stockholm Syndrome.

>Be born
>Literally born circumcised
>get call David
How did i support the kikes again?

>durr everyone who disagrees with me is Chinese
Would expect no less from a fucking pedo who talks about cutting up baby dicks and makes threads about how he likes when other people's dicks are cut. Fag

Our pediatrician said the circumcision rate is dipping below 50%, over half the kids he sees are uncut. Hopefully your retarded kid ends up stabbing you in your sleep when he realizes you volunteered him for genital mutilation.

Literally an act of trolling by Jews.

Circumcision is in the Bible because it helps give males control of society.

1. Sensitivity is decreased, you are less likely to be pussy blinded

2. It deceases disease due to hygiene issues increasing the the amount of acceptable cocks

3. It increases chances of conception because of delayed male orgasm.

Based ducking g desert cult people that watched what happened with goats and sheep for thousands of years.


Attached: merchanthands.png (214x198, 1.3K)

PSA to you retards, No your foreskin wasn't sold to a cosmetics company, they use an immortal cell line from foreskins, but they don't need to regularly harvest them to get what they need. It is foreskin derived.

Just jerk off more lmao

I got circumcised as an adult and love it.

I think the solution is to normalize men getting it done as adults / teens and not making it a big deal. People get mad because of the infant aspect. Otherwise it's just another body mod.

Circumcision is in the Bible because Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem, Jacob,Samuel, David, Jeremiah, Joseph and Moses were born circumcised like me and if god made the patriarchs in his image that it must be part of his covenant .

How do you even fap without foreskin? Not surprised there are so many trannies, they push the most pervert shit to get at least some pleasure from fapping

Also with normal / high, you don't lose pleasure. Low cuts remove inner foreskin, which is what feels good. Most Americans have normal - high, which is why few complain.

>As far as circumsized incels who are angry at Jews because they feel like they lost out on a part of the masturbation experience
They are though.
The rolling action makes sex better for everyone involved.
I grew mine back and it's infinitely better.

This goy gets it.