I would rather marry a 10 year old blonde instead of your ugly old girlfriends

I would rather marry a 10 year old blonde instead of your ugly old girlfriends

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Kill yourself

So, William Luther Pierce threads are instantly banned, but pedo threads are just fine. It couldn't be more obvious this place is a hive of FBI, CIA, leftist, etc, shills. Only they are so depraved.

So you csn finally win an argument?



Based and pedopilled.

This board isn’t white

>WLP threads are banned


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But I would also fuck adult women, it's probably from lack of good dick that they act this way.

Did any of you read KnJ or watch it and need to be convinced to read it also?

No user. You have no concept of what is involved with nurturing that kind of relationship. You want to fuck a 10 year old girl.

kys pedo
if you aren’t brave enough to cull your own worthless life there are many of us who’d be happy to do the job for you

Fanservice aside it was very good

>already blowjob blackbelt
What a whore.

Let's meet.
I will suck and swallow you and then you behead me swiftly and cleanly.
We both get what we want.

I think letting me suck your dick is the least you can do for me giving you my life this way.

>You want to fuck a 10 year old girl.

And that's a good thing!


(This) message supported by Ron Paul


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They need to be adored and stimulated hard. They just do.

Kys pedo faggot

Not for the girl it's not.

The manga is the same, but the story is much better, if you're talking about the anime. The one thing the anime did totally great was that flashback episode with Rins mom though, and the fanservice I guess, there was a lot of focus on that in the anime. In the manga it's less the focus and more the icing on the cake. In some ways it's actually better, the art's better and there's some cute and funny stuff that's not adapted in the anime. AHem. I mean uh. Also the story is full and clear, whereas the adaptation made things a little weird with Reiji the anime makes it clearly slightly less so. Everyone getting a nice happy ending is reason enough to read the manga if you haven't, but especially Mimi really deserved one and it's great.

Clean it up please


Based Ron Paul.


If she doesn't enjoy it, I guess so, yeah.

i'm not attracted to children but i can see the value in investing in an asset that appreciates rather than depreciates.

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Go to Germany. They'll give you a list of children to rape then marry.