Okay, so, I'm a girl and I found out about this place from Reddit...

Okay, so, I'm a girl and I found out about this place from Reddit. Normally I'll be pretty vocal on subreddits talking about r/incels or r/redpill or something, and this led me to someone telling me about this place. I can't believe what I'm seeing. You're all fucking pathetic. You blame women for all of your problems, yet you do nothing to try and remedy them. You sit in your dank basement, bitter and alone, thinking of ways you can get back at the world. Because people are happy, and you resent that. Because you can never be happy. You're pathetic. The bottom of the barrel. I almost feel sorry for you.

I'm pretty resilient to misogynistic rhetoric, but visiting here, browsing through all of the pages, I feel a bit sick. How can people like you exist? You blame a whole fucking gender of people because you're so bitter, that you lost any ounce of self-respect. You lump in women as one thing, a definite measure. It's laughable. You're just lonely, bitter, twisted gremlins who don't know the touch of a woman.

You say we have it easier. That's funny. You've probably had it handed to you on a plate, but you just refused to accept it. You are pathetic, I'll say it again because it's the perfect word to describe anyone here. I've heard about this place for a long time, but only now, after 4 glasses of wine, have I decided to visit it.

Anyway, enjoy never getting to touch someone like me. With this attitude, you're going to die alone you pathetic fucking virgins.

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>i'm a girl



Shut up hole.

>posts tits with no timestamp
You did the hard part already, now you just gotta do the easy part before you may proceed.

what is your opinion on current events?

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Tits with timestamp or gtfo

You have herpes

Oh look, it's this copypasta again.

Wow your beautiful pls show bagina baby

Tits and timestamp bitch. Otherwise gtfo.

Don’t let these guys shit on you from coming from Reddit. People here won’t admit it but we all came over from Reddit at some point

With your attitude you get gang raped by niggers and tell yourself it was fun. Kill yourself you rotten whore.

this + salvia officinalis

The only thing more disgusting that the tattoos and piercings is the lack of timestamp.


show bobs and vagene

Gross. I have literally had better many times.

Also I don't hate anyone except NPCs and (you)


You are a whore.

Fuck you I came over from 8ch after Watkins fucked it up.

>implying this is true
If this took you 4 glasses of wine on this frame to talk shit on the internet you'll clearly hope not to come across any of us sober, you fucking cunt

Shut the fuck up you vaccuuous cunt with your trailer trash tattoos and cheap boob implants. On my worst day, I’ve fucked a whole lot better than you, trash.

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Ok so I'm a girl too, I also heard about this place from plebbit. I think you guys are incredibly based.

That's a man. It is sporting a cock.

>no timestamp

Tail or gtfo

Attached: 1656870253780.jpg (712x1000, 671.24K)

This girl is BASED. Tattoos are ugly though, no matter who is wearing them

Speak for yourself, troon.

'K byeeeee

Women are a sex not a gender. Genders don’t exist.


nice larp. You're a loser.

>1 post by this ID
>24 replies
You fucking coomers...

stale pasta kys faggot
stfu kike

Just say you're a faggot user.

nice pasta, is it new?

Quality bait

unironically are you doing ok OP? Assuming this
isn't bait which it probably is, hope you are doing well. Pay no mind to shitty people on the internet

show your butthole with timestamp or get out you cocksleeve

Four glasses of wine and not a typo in sight. Kek you alcoholic roastie

Timestamp with feet pic or gtfo
Btw I didn't read

Lmao Ragie roastie posted its tits without a timestamp like 4 years ago lmao

Timestamp or GTFO

No, we blame the jews, we don't care about you.

ok cunt
now whatdya think about THE JUEDEN?

Attached: EYYOLMAO JEW SORCERY.png (499x442, 206.33K)

Kek! Welcome!


I hate niggers and Jews.

I'm convinced that Any Forums is filled to the brim with incels based on all of the responses. Basically the losers of society visit this place to voice their frustrations.

> Okay, so, I'm a girl and I found out about this place from Reddit. Normally I'll be pretty vocal on subreddits talking about r/incels or r/redpill or something, and this led me to someone telling me about this place. I can't believe what I'm seeing. You're all fucking pathetic. You blame women for all of your problems, yet you do nothing to try and remedy them. You sit in your dank basement, bitter and alone, thinking of ways you can get back at the world.

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Do you have an Only Fans?
I would love to hear more of your viewpoints there
You have a great body too

A female on here is a fine thing to see, and an attractive one at that ;^). Don't let the jerks get to you, there are some nice guys on this sub too.
*adjusts glasses*
I happen to be one myself. Just let me know if you need any help and welcome to the 4channel.

1pbtid larp

Look at the shit that get's posted in this thread and tell me it isn't a racist cesspit. I know, since pol loves eugenics so much, why don't you tell me why you shouldn't be sterilized, you muck of existential diarrhea. Heaven knows all you worthless simple-mided slack-jaws will ever contribute to the world is a robust discussion on why faggot is no longer an offensive word. Or, better yet, just stay virgins who can't find a date beyond spilling your greasy seed behind a computer screen. Fuck you.

Fuck everything about this website. Fuck all of you little white dudes who have achieved nothing in your life so you need to be a racist piece of shit to make yourselves feel better. Fuck you because you know that nothing like this would ever happen to you because the cops won't kill a white dude. Hell, a guy in PA killed cops and they captured him alive.

Fuck everything about racists. Fuck white pride. I'm out of this thread and off this website forever

Looks like a man with breast implants. Ywnbaw

Fake and gay

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>enjoy never getting to touch someone like me
Phew. Don't want to catch a disease.

Exactly who is happy in the western world? You? Depression and mental illness, suicide rates, violent crime are all at a ALL time high for both men and women. You know what is an all time low though? Fertility rates. You know who doesn't have all these mental health issues and fertility problems? Islam. You know why? Because they beat women.

Attached: DpbGpS1WsAEahgT.jpg (900x881, 77.16K)

oh look a whore and her opinion.
tits or gtfo skank.

Attached: 1585993537502.gif (420x360, 3.52M)

No one here wants to touch you. Women’s best and only traits are constantly a decreasing value in your looks.

That’s it. You’re over emotional Fleshlights with a pulse. Anything I can do, cook, clean, build, drive, anything except sucking dick or taking dick, I am better at it.

The more men realize this and treat women as such, the faster you holes will learn your roles.

Voting rights and letting you “people” in workplace was a mistake.

>no timestamp in pic, likely fake
>from reddit
totally useless demoralization thread attempt.

I say it's a 5% chance this post is real.

>You blame women for all of your problems
Nah, we blame jews for everything you stupid bitch. Fucking typical, a woman can't get one thing right.

I have literally never made a reddit account, kek.
If you think this is bad then you shouldn't look at the actual "incel" board

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

Attached: cash.jpg (1200x675, 86.58K)

stale pasta

oh here we go. after 2 weeks of kikes larping as niggers, we have to deal with kikes larping as females. its fucking pathetic. jidf has been ramping things up the past month.

Family must learn.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

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Would, but only if she fought back.

>That's a man. It is sporting a cock.
That's a female penis you fucking bigot. It's 2022, I suggest you get with the times.

Ya or maybe you are just a dumb whore. Not everyone here is like that vapid cunt. I have a wife and two children. I know it’s hard for you to understand that lots and lots of people just don’t like niggers. People of all races and genders. Same can be said of kikes. Plus nothing you can do as a childless woman will ever matter. The only way you can have meaning in your life is by having children and that value will be depleted per how many cocks you ride on the carasol.
Stupid bitch

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Nah, you're just another male incel geek who is such a loser that you write long-winded fictional posts like this.


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I like to think it is real and OP is just lurking, hopefully at least a couple people say something nice

>blaming women on your problems
I blame mostly elite women. Fucking delusional scumbags.

Why would I care about a female opinion? go back to the kitchen

>Fuck everything about racists. Fuck white pride.
How is that double digit IQ treating you, nigger?

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>You're all fucking pathetic.
>you're pathetic. The bottom of the barrel.
>you're just lonely, bitter, twisted gremlins who don't know the touch of a woman.
>You are pathetic
>you're going to die alone you pathetic fucking virgins.

>How can people like you exist?
We treat people the way they treat us. Well, not really. We are nowhere near as hateful and vitriolic.

Bidenbro’s rule.

>-.t fleshlight in exhaust pipe

A would shit on yer tits

Time stamp

Welcome to the rabbit hole.
Have fun seeing your world view deteriorate over the coming weeks!

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It's an old pasta dumb niggers, and all of you fell for it

Hello madam. I'm not like the average poster here, I'm actually quite intellectually stimulating and support womens rights. How stunning and brave of you to post something like this in such a dangerous environment. If you would link one of your socials I would love to talk to you about politics and I think you'll find that I'm quite the catch and a great guy. Have a nice day.

Go back, fag.

not bumped and reported for spam

>I'm pretty resilient to misogynistic rhetoric, but visiting here, browsing through all of the pages, I feel a bit sick.

If you're in NYC you wanna go to LES sometime for a drink ? You got really nice boobs and id like to take you out sometime.

Why don't you just leave whites alone and hang out with other brown people?
All I want is to have my own country with my own people and heritage, where we can keep aliens out

tldr here means we don't give a fuck what you have to say

>I'm a girl

post more booba

>no one asks, no one cares
>bitch writes blogpost
>still no one cares
If you could actually read ya dumb skut, you'd know we first and foremost, blame the jews around here. Now don't get me wrong, you do suck, but you are small timers compared to Shlomo.

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Youre allowed internet in your desert country?

>furry RUS
you're alright, user

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remember when /r/gonewild just stole shit from Any Forums wholesale, early gonewild was 100% stolen from Any Forums that's how I originally came here.

>Anyway, enjoy never getting to touch someone like me. With this attitude, you're going to die alone you pathetic fucking virgins.
Is it really true that none of you guys are fucking any women? I thought that was a joke, especially with how easy it is to sleep with someone these days. How many in this thread is an actual virgin? Because they use that as an insult a lot, but it doesn't really affect me because I'm not one. kek, how am I supposed to respond to an insult that doesn't make sense/apply to me?

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I think this is an experiment to see how many Simps show up to WhiteKnight the board.

Utter Fail by the board members. Any Simps for this obvious copy pasta need to Neck themselves.

Sup John. I’m calling you out

My name is Frankie, and I fucking hate you. You're a dumb retarted no life who should kill yourself. I mean, yeah its fun coming on this site and making fun of the virgin neckbeards (i do it all the time brah), but my problem is that you're ONE of them. starter on the b-ball team? cap'n of the football team? boy, check these muscles out. you aint a baller like me. i’d pound your scrawny ass into the mud. btw, your “bitch” was photoshopped into that picture. i’ve seen hella shops on this site, and i know for a fact that your “bitch” was shopped in.

Pic related: My woman and I. (You never put yourself first John. “Me and my bitch” is incorrect, learn to speak proper english you dumb fuck)

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