Why are Americans so inhumanely violent compared to Europeans?

Why are Americans so inhumanely violent compared to Europeans?

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chink slide thread

These "stats" are the result of biased policing, police forces concentrate and target BIPOC folx while turning a blind eye to white crimes.


>states with no niggers are as violent as ukraine
cope, americans are just animals


ukraine is no data mario

all of those states are filled with blacks and mexicans

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According to who, the violence of a nation is directly proportional to the size of its' sovereign territory.

>states with no niggers

Violence is necessary more often than it is used. Consider that.
Babies are being murdered in their womb, yet we are not killing the murderers. That's pretty docile if you ask me.
Children are being sexually mutilated and we are not killing the mutilators.
Rights are being taken away and shit on. But we aren't being violent against those tyranys doing these things. Even though all of these things cry to heaven for justice, nothing is being done. So tell me again how we are so violent

Why are you shitting up the catalog with this asinine bullshit? You probably spent all morning thinking about what genius thread you could come up with, and this is it.

Because we hate kings and practice voodoo

...Thus Russians or Ukrainians or whatever are the most violent because they have the biggest territory, when they are defeated, we will be then the most violent.

screen crap this

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If you didn't count 5 Democrat run cities America would rank 198 on the list of violent countries.

Why do these maps overlap?

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We're not bunch of fags, but in reality... Europeans have thousands of years of bloodshed on their hands. You can't even form a complete EU. So piss off you fucking wanker

someone has niggers
someone has Tuvins and Chechens

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States like Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, Dakota and Montana which barely have any niggers still have a homicide rate twice as high as Germany (and 1.5 times as large as UK).

Add to that the Germany has Turks and Syrians while the UK has Pakis.

Those states have tiny populations, in some cases not even 1 million. The smaller the sample size, the more inaccurate any statistics.
If you would only look at german cities, the homicide rate would also be higher, but the rural population and small towns even it out. Same is the case for those states, and we all know american cities are no joke when it comes to crime.

as always, picrel

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