Why don’t people have kids

Some top comments
> I absolutely love my life just as it is. Plus, I am of the opinion that you should really, REALLY want kids before you have them. It’s a lifetime commitment, after all.
> Personally I just enjoy the freedom of not having them too much. You can't miss what you never had.
> Too much responsibilities. I can't even take care of my own ass.
> This curse ends with me.
> Quite simply, it doesn’t appeal to me. No regrets.
> I don't like being alive enough to put someone in the same situation.
> I recently was talking with my (also childless) cousin and said “I don’t even want to be here, why should I force someone else to?”

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Sure, I'll spawn a retard to bully.

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People like that will regret it later in life. Biology is built into the brains of people. When a demographic takes over they don't like, they cannot cry when they get the boot on the neck. At least there ideology will die with them. Old Purple hairs need replacements to brainwash the normies.

It's not about building the kingdom of God for these people. Look how they preach death and destruction. I pray for them because that suffering of being lead astray like that is that is very real.

Upvote, friend. Wholesome post.

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> At least there ideology will die with them.
Utterly deluded. Most people are transformed into this mindset, they arent born with it.

>you should really, REALLY want kids before you have them. It’s a lifetime commitment
They're only kids for a few years coombrain.

That is true but people wanting to correct them or push them off their path to destruction are going to fight a battle they won't win.

Developed nations have too much money, too much time, too many freedoms. This allows them to ignore there individual biological drives. Darwinism at work. It's sad because there are people that will probably create very smart and capable off spring.

The only way this changes is when something bad happens. Great depression, massive die off, or war.

Only acceptable answers the redditors posted even if its not their whole reason.
>1. want kids before you have them. It’s a lifetime commitment
>2. I can't even take care of my own ass.
>3. This curse ends with me.
Number 3 because hes gonna kill himself and its best not to have kids if youre gonna kill yourself

But why would we want redditors to have kids? Less leftists in the world more conservatives.

>> This curse ends with me.
Wow... I actually felt and relate to that.... bros I don't want my offspring to experience the horrors I have in this miserable life.

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I'm disabled.
Chicks don't dig disabled dudes.

Predditors not reproducing is a major plus.

If you say so

Ignoring biological drives aint a new thing. Its what civilization was built upon. Ignoring instincts for violence, rape etc
Its not a bad thing in and of itself

what about government policy? here's a silly idea but one that takes women where they're at intellectually right now: the government should operate a giant bot network of fake people on social media who mass follow white women who have white children and shower them with likes, comments and praise. never happening, i know, but money as an incentive works too

I do and so does biology. Evolution is not an ideology.

well personally im a schizo who hates interacting with people. i despise the idea of marrying a woman, let alone having kids with her. plus my kids would probably inherit some mental illness

Women are the key to population control. If a bot network is need to regain control, then it needs to be done.

Whether or not you end up regretting not having kids has little connection to evolution and is only peripherally relevant to any biologic-metabolic process. Such regret can only be born out of a combination of external circumstances and adopted attitudes.

>Ignoring instincts for violence, rape etc
>Its not a bad thing in and of itself
Those are cultural traits not evolutionary traits. People that don't wont kids, that is on them. Survival of the fittest. Don't cry when people within your demographic don't reproduce at high rate and immigrants are needed to maintain a nation. Don't cry when your race is a minority in your own land.

Wife and I are trying for a kid right now. Just the idea of having a kid is making me feel better. Knowing I am going to have to provide for a little version of the two of us feels good. And I have a massive urge to make sure my kid will have a better life than I did. Kid's actually make me want to make the world better than being an apathetic nihilist.

I agree with all of these. Explain what's wrong.

> Those are cultural traits not evolutionary traits.
Well culture is very much part of evolution so I dont see your point

>Whether or not you end up regretting not having kids has little connection to evolution
Look at animals. They have a biological need to reproduce. Humans are no different. They are not special. If a person that can reproduce but fails they are dead ends. Survival of the fittest is very real for humans. Be content if you don't want kids. Be happy with your life when you are your bloodlines last link to your tens of thousands of prior ancestors.

>I absolutely love my life just as it is
>This curse ends with me.

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What is the connection to said future regret here?

I share those ancestors with pretty much everyone from my home country. What difference does it make if I personally continue the bloodline? My posterity a few hundred years from now will have next to nothing to do with me.

The only reason to have kids is if you're rich and you're damn sure they'll live good lives. Wageslaves reproducing is a crime.

>your bloodline will end and you will end up alone in a retirement home

Having kids is not a guarantee against either of those user.

Both of these can be true for an individual. If someone is happy alone and without family burdens but doesn't believe he would be otherwise, then he would make a bad father and would ruin his own life.

And the other one too. If someone lives a shitty fucking life, maybe because of genetics or poverty, then having children is completely irrational.

My retirement will be death. And if I notice I'm going crazy/senile, I'll euthanize myself.

People have the freedom of choice. If they don't want kids for the given reasons that is fine for them. Survival of the fittest is no joke. More power to them. Be content with your life.

Lmao the difference between people who don’t and do have kids is those that don’t have thought about it, also far more likely you will regret having them than not having any
In the end it’s just natural selection selecting for the ideal mindless passive slave class

I'm 35 and I live in Spain, which means I had to breed with Spanish women. Rather my bloodline die than having to touch a Spanish troll with a teen foot pole.

I have regretted it many times, but then I start talking to women and my resolve strengthens, because holy fuck.


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Lmao you are the example of a npc
>And I have a massive urge to make sure my kid will have a better life than I did
literally what everyone told themselves, ypur patents, their parents, and look where you are now, that’s where your kid will be

This must be mindset of people that are demoralized. I'm not going to change your minds. Just this is reality. Mammals have a build it trait to reproduce. Nature ends animals that are not fit. You don't want kids, be content. This is reality and survival of the fittest does relate to humans.

Survival of the fittest is a beautiful concept when the context is nature, and a horrible one when the context is an industrial dystopia. I'd wager that you're aware that 'fitness' is defined by the demands of the surrounding environment, as evolution is nothing but adaptation to the environment. We are unfortunate enough to live in an environment in which the environmental demands that determine what it means to be fit to survive are born out of varying degrees of degeneracy and dysgeny.

I have sisters and a brother who had kids already. And I'm not going to retire, I'm European, we don't have those for people my age anymore thanks to boomers.

Good luck. If have to look overseas then big good luck.

Your bloodline will be mixed with blacks browns and Jews and you will also die in a retirement home