Where will the next 1000 babies be born?

Indian chads...I kneel

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I dream of British dominance.

> DR Congo
How the fuck can a country have a doctorate? Frigging clown world man.

I want live footage from the streets of Kolkata when the Pakis and chinks invade, ruining the harvest.

Where will the next 1,000 babies die?

at least aussies are funny

will the poos get btfo again in the upcoming reset

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Too many niggers sir!

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Damn, I will go deaf every morning

Wanting things that will never come to pass is a sure recipe for unhappiness and disappointment

its over


Asia and Africa are scaling like crazy. If this was a mmo they would be the meta

Indian numbers are inflated because 1 in 5 Indians are born like pic related due to inbreeding and harmful environmental factors

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Except this is real life and they’re people who’ve never heard of birth control.

Wars in Asia in this century will be glorious

African numbers are inflated too because villages get gibs based on the number of mouths they have to feed and hence have every incentive to exaggerate. Same with chink hospitals that get gibs per baby delivered and have been manipulating the numbers for 40 years now. China has nowhere near 1.5billion people and slipped into negative population growth several years ago and it’s accelerating

I'm looking forward to it

Cope. This will be Asian century

Of US orchestrated wars

>China has nowhere near 1.5billion people and slipped into negative population growth several years ago and it’s accelerating

Can someone redpill me on this. True or is schizo talk?

Chinese men are not getting married to their women if they hit the wall, i.e., 25 years or older, women are simply left over and their only choice is a foreigner.

Also China has 1 child policy as of a year ago, only now they changed to 2 or 3 child policy.

It’s true. According to the CCP’s own internal figures, their population is expected to HALVE by 2050. That’s some 700 million chink…poof. They have perhaps the lowest real birth rate on earth and have practiced sex-selective abortion for decades now. This doesn’t just create a major gender imbalance, but all the babies getting aborted are female…the ones who make more people. China is the most rapidly aging society in human history right now and it’s only getting worse as the younger ricecel generation lies flat and stops even trying. If you think that’s big in the West, it’s 10x bigger in China

post pic of your steel helmet and Mosin

There was a data leak from the Shanghai Police Department that shows that birth rates were lower than the west, they were bad before but the Chinese perma-lockdown has fucked their birthrates into oblivion.

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China's population was based off rapid and constant expansion.
1. China's economy is not rising quickly enough to sustain population internally.
2. China's population imports about 40% of their food sources from either America directly or America supplemented countries with no other countries to supplement food from.
3. China's economy hit recession if not full blown depression in multiple areas for world trade.

It's not sustainable and while I don't think the population is in rapid decline. anyone that believes China's own reports is a fucking moron.

Go look at their birth rate over time and see what happened in 1980. That’s when the one child policy entered effect, mass abortion came online, and chink hospitals started losing lots of gibs and hence started lying about the numbers of babies they were delivering. Point is: the entire fertile population of China right now was born post one child policy, and that’s why the population declines is accelerating. Demographics has the same inevitability as geology, but there’s a lag period between cause and effect. There was a major baby boom in the 1960s and 70s, and all those kids growing up and becoming parents helped mask what was happening beneath the surface for 20 years. Now they’re too old for kids and the implosion is becoming harder to hide

Only orange is white