Liberals are calling for mandatory vasectomies of boys at puberty

Liberals are calling for mandatory vasectomies of boys at puberty.

The fact that boys lose their bodily autonomy at birth goes completely over their heads

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Eugenics always was a progressive idea.

>one person schizo posting on Twitter
>hey Any Forums! Liberals want to chop off your sons balls!
Redpill me on this.

literal nobodies having weird ideas on (((twitter))) does not merit a thread on Any Forums memeflaggot

What a cunt. Man have to be mutilated so women can be whores without consequences?

Every insane or misogynist idea spouted by women gets tens/hundreds of thousands of retweets and likes.

These are the people you gave voting rights to. These are the people who make up the majority of the population and an even larger percentage of the voting-eligible population (and that's just during peace time, the male population dips severely following war time). These are the people influencing laws and policies.

Ever since women's suffrage, societies have gone to shit. It takes 200 years for a state to go from gender-equal voting to complete implosion and ruin of that very state and potentially others around it.

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>one person
>this entire group
stop this shit

>it's okay because we cut of a part of the dick of baby boys!
you'd think that these people would realise how evil they sound sometimes

That's actually a perfectly reasonable idea, if genital mutilation is already allowed and encouraged by zogmericans, why not mandated sterilization? Based accelerate

I take it American's never learn about cross-contamination in cooking classes?

it's these dumb-ass 1pbtid threads where they present an outlier or exception and apply it across a broad swath of the population in order to get a bunch of knee-jerk responses.
it's tiresome but go on with yourselves.

You wouldn't cook with a bad egg on purpose, would you?

Interesting that this is being promoted while circumcision rates are going down.

>food analogy
one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch

This will win them votes.

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I'm sure there's a lot more people pushing for #110.

Or women can keep their knees together.

Sounds good to me

Yeah, the point isn't that boys should have medical procedures done on them without their consent, it's that nobody should. Besides, vasectomies are safe, quick, and totally reversible, unlike, say, forcing someone to carry what's basically a parasite for nine months and risk death having their body irreversibly changed.

>says the cunt with SIX jewish children

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Yes it does ziomutt

>Yeah, the point isn't that boys should have medical procedures done on them without their consent, it's that nobody should
You mean like circumcision?
>vasectomies are safe, quick, and totally reversible
You mean like birth control, plan B, IUDs and other very cheap and better ways of preventing pregnancies?
>risk death having their body irreversibly changed
Again, you mean like circumcision?

Until I hear women protest about abolishing circumcision, I won't give half of a frozen shit about their consequence-dodging rights.

>110,000+ likes in total
>(((satire))) vasectomy bills proposed by senators in Alabama, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania
cowardly centrist fucking niggers always agitating for the right to stop talking about leftists
never the other way around, really makes you fucking think

you are the same stupid rat motherfuckers saying trannies aren't real and they wouldn't come for our kids just 5 years ago
you motherfuckers are scum, you are 100% worse than neoliberals or leftists and you are the first shitheel rats to be rolled into a fucking ditch, you worthless fucking pukes

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