Tell me ONE argument agaisnt multiculturalism

Tell me ONE argument agaisnt multiculturalism.

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Vatniks being against multicultural democracies is a big proof that they are good.


niggers stink

>All negroids

basically I just don’t like niggers

You posting this with that meme flag is a good reason to argue against whatever you're pushing.

Multicultural nations inevitably disintegrate due to different people valuing different things.

A summery of over 100 independent studies, all with sources, identifying the disastrous effects of diversity.

Multiculturalism is so great that I believe whites should be excluded from it. They're far too racist and evil

It doesn't work. It has never worked. It cannot work.

anyone got the play dough picture?

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You know the thing

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>It doesn't work. It has never worked. It cannot work.

What 'bout London m8

and hes not related to you in any way shape or form

250 years
380 + million shitskins
not your history

because your idea of multi-culturalism is actually a mono-culture

It is a crime to misappropriate tax payers money to spend it in such a way that is detrimental to the well being of a people and a nation. We can see this with illegal immigrants and refugees in that many governments want to make them citizens while they contribute nothing, have not accepted the culture of the native people as the defacto rules to live by and generally exist purely to frustrate and enfeeble any attempt to correct the political system.

niggers are stabbing old blokes in mobility scooters for no apparent reason, that's how it's going there.

I just love my people more than anyone.

Link or gtfo


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I will not pronounce your infernal incantations, demon

My country

Whites do not feel at peace, under constant attack to feel guilty, for existance, and reasons beyond them.

There are 2x illegal legalizations they did against White Communities. #1. The legalization to escalation to physical violence over verbal exchange. They legalized LOSS OF CONTROL when 99% of Law, punishes loss of control. I heard words, lost control of myself, and decided to get physically violent. And double round - imagine your average violent scuffle - how many times when there was violence, even FURTHER innocence got caught in the mix? They threw something, and a girl got hit as a result who wasn't even in the fight?

#2. Attributing the guilt of the parent onto the child. A Law that can make someone guilty for 1000 years. You'll be guilty forever under this system.

300+ years ago, America had a war with the Indians, they'll never even admit if the Indians started the fight or not. America is forever guilty. 200+ years ago, Africa sold slaves to White America, therefore America is forever guilty.

The child has to repeat teh sin to be guilty, and then it ain't the parent's sin anymore, but the child's as well.

But yea, this is why niggers are forever evil. And the Boomers were right - you shouldn't trust them. And if you didn't trust a trusting nigger? The nigger should blame his friends that it came to this - and not the white man trying to save himself.

increased violence.

Multicultural societies lack social cohesion and trust, leading to discrimination and crime.

Multiculturalism destroys everyone's culture.

It stinks

If we all mix then no unique traits/culture will remain.

All countries will just be one light shit colored nation with a globohomo culture.

I would like to preserve actual diversity


asian and african people are often very aggressive and I prefer to have a boring quiet life:)

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It's almost like we have countries with borders for a reason.

