Our rebel fren

The last two threads filled up. He has a nice place on a river and the local kikes want him to take down his rebel flag. Here is the last thread. we got to help river rebel annon. He seems like a based son of the south.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I’m down to rally of some Yankees and put some chudfederates underground without a sound

The locals should honestly ban together to have this guy arrested and his fag flag confiscated.

I know Any Forums is LITERALLY obsesed with black people but you LARPing as some confederate soldier is just cringe. Pay the fine and take the flag down, quit acting like some edgy teenager

Say the nonamerericans.


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you should do whatever you want and if someone tries to stop you you should defend yourself

Sorry I don't speak faggot.

If he's actually based he should just refuse to comply and if anyone invades his home he should gun them down regardless of what clothes or badges they may be wearing.

>this is the mind of your average right-winger
put the gun down and defend your home like a real man you string bean pussy

I had suggested trip wires and treble hooks.

>says fake UN memeflaggot

Go away, Moishe, and take your delusions of global control with you

>p-put the gun down and defe-
>*gets shot*
It really do be like that in America fr fr

Fake post, real photo picrel.

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Maybe the river rebel annon will comeback and tell us more? I baked because he hit 350 fast.


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if there isn't a lawyer who would represent this man pro bono for the publicity then there is probably nothing to do but eat shit.

We will not let this get shut down. Happy Unite The Right week /pol !

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That's right make fun of the heritage Americans. Keep it up. Tim pool will be making videos about how Huwhite supremacists are kidnapping Jew bitches to use as rape toys. Then you will see. I can live in the woods all year long . I want to vent my frustrations.

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Bump for the Boys

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You will never be a mutt.
Always an inbred type

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If they're specifically going after the flag because it's Confederate it's a blatant First Amendment violation.

I'm a law student, so not a lawyer yet, but this seems like a simple enough problem I can probably help you out. Do you have a throwaway email I can reach you at? (And can you please post a new pic proving its really you giving the email address?)

It's his property, right? So what's the fucking issue?
Is america heading towards european levels of cuckery and bans certain flags and symbols because it makes people feel bad?


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pls read if you are american

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> american heritage
>a flag from a literal secession state

nice retard flag. i defend your right to fly it, but i also have the right to call you a retard.

>Is america heading towards european levels of cuckery and bans certain flags and symbols because it makes people feel bad?
There are a lot of places that try but we still have the First Amendment, so you can sue to stop them (and get a good amount of money sometimes)

Dylan Roof kinda

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wait for the fine and pay with picrel

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No. Scottish and Bavarian with a prerevolutionary heritage mix. I got Sam Adams and nsdap in my family tree.
>Thanks project paper clip. Lol

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There is no fine coming. It's just scare tactics from the government. The mayor can get absolutely fucked.

Should the police fine or arrest him- a lawsuit would smack the shit out of the town. It's a first amendment issue.

The guy could put a giant Swastika flag on his gazebo and the government can't touch him.

Stay strong Rebel Friend- the south shall rise again

I'm not him. I just did the 3rd bake. Best I can do is a getter thread from my larp account. gettr.com/post/p1nmri4a7f9

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nice try FBI

This is the kind of happening fox news loves, we need to get the attention of boomerconservatard lawyers who want to make a name for themselves. Sounds like his rights are being violated. The confederate flag is just American enough to work, if it were any kind if national flag, they wouldn't touch it.

250x250 in 2022
ngmi hayden

Yeah I hope he comes back. We need to know more.

Asiatic jewish nigger the only thing I want is more northern lebansraum.
May the south rise again.

Libshits, did you forget what happened the last time City Hall fought White, Southern men?

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Feds. This shit glows hard

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