"Chris Kyle was a coward"

Wow, so based.

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Chris Kyle should have been hanged

Cultist on que


I always laughed that his audience is a bunch of narcissistic boomers who are proud to see this shit stain share their perverted view of the gospel. He says anyone can be saved if they believe in a microsecond, yet gays are exclusively unable to be forgiven and saved. He’s most likely a closeted homo-sexual like all the other pastors who have gays living rent free in their head every pathetic sermon they preach.

Chris Kyle was a faggot

t. literall dick sucker aids subhuman

He actually rejects the microsecond thing, because he's a heretic. But he didn't invent the Rerobate Doctrine.

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I don’t trust people whose name is comprised of 2 first names. Especially so if their middle name could be a first name as well.
John Douglas Swarthmore - 0/10 no danger
Eric Steven Paul - 10/10 this man will kill you and eat your flesh

who the fuck is chris kyle

Sniper. "All snipers are cowards" - Flabby Heretic Pastor

>blow babies up and rape them for ZOG's heroin and MIC embezzlement wars
>go to hell
Will this sewer ever redeem itself?

He was a camper who shot women and children and got killed by another PTSD ZOGbot... karma

>"All Snipers are cowards who shoot babies!! Donate Now!"

Aye chinkcel
You might want to change your memeflag

worse still, he abandoned his own wife and child to keep going back to Afghanistan to do so. he was addicted to fighting for globohomo.

Chris Kyle was a faggot who killed for zog and pastor Anderson is a faggot who loves race mixing his congregation, it is the Christian way.

>"I'm just not big on the whole "Sniper" thing"

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Chris Kyle was a good goyim who killed civilians for his Jewish masters. Be a good goyim. Be Chris Kyle.

Burger sniper that somehow got more famous than all the other snipers. Ultimately irrelevant outside of whatever books are about him and that shitty movie, purely a propaganda figure. Nobody even really cares about the shitskin kids he killed, that's just posturing because people here (rightfully) hate zogbots.

Why hide your flag?

Interesting. Well one of the few sermons I watched from him, he was going off on another flip-flop philosophy about how you can never lose your salvation if you believe, yet if you do good works, you’re presumptively trusting in your works and will go to hell. Lol His attitude and double-think is also shared by many other denominations that depend heavily on brainwashing young people with this garbage so they’ll be psychologically torn and confused for life. The Gospel, “good news,” could not be more clear: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. I was never Baptist, but I was brainwashed by the idea of being locked in a flaming dungeon with a devil tempting me with water while I beg and scream for mercy. It really is quite insane when you think about it.

He has created a cult, and no one noticed because in 20 years he never had the transparency to say "The IFB believes Paul was saved ON THE ROAD to Damascus. We believe Paul wasn't saved until after 3 days"

An overrated "sniper" from forever wars who was mainly famous for getting shot by another US soldier suffering from PTSD.
They made a very cringe sheepdawg movie about him.

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If Chris Kyle was brave he would have stood up to Zog instead of shooting random brown people for Zog.

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isnt that the guy from LOST who says


Glownigger meme sniper character promoted by media/talk shows to fool more "good ol boy" goyim to enlist back in the 2000's.
The writers killed off the character so the bumpkin playing him wouldn't have to keep up the ruse for the next 50 years.