Shots fired by juveniles at Kentucky State Fair lead the event to being closed early

Shots fired by juveniles at Kentucky State Fair lead the event to being closed early.

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And yet americans will still fill this thread crying about how its so important form them to have muh guns. smdh how many inncocent people have to die before y'all finally ban them.

>Identity not being released
Coulter's Law.

I hate "teens" so much it's unreal

Here's the news article if anyone's interested. You can see the state troopers arresting the juvenile.

As many as the number of dogs raped by Canadians.

I know it's hard to understand for a leftist with no real beliefs or respect for human life, but good people have the right to shoot bad people when they do bad things, and as long as thug culture is celebrated and encouraged, always will.

Just admit that you want everyone outside your political spectrum to die, it's literally the only reason you want them disarmed, so you can kill them. Say it.

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So niggers.

>Shots fired by juveniles
thats a lot of words to just say niggers

It is, because nothing is going to stop niggers from committing crimes. It's either we genocide them or are able to carry firearms and shoot them when they get out of line


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You mean ‘teens’?

rake yourself

They said juveniles. That's code for niggers

Fuck off, Justin.

We need a nigger version of ((()))

how could this happen

These goddamn urban juvenile teenager youth thugs just keep wrecking everything for the rest of us. Boy I hate niggers.

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very good leaf very good.

If he was white...

>white Caucasian male teens of European decent with nazi ties and support of trump attempted mass shooting
>sources that previous worked at the state fair claim they heard rumors the teens wore maga hats

>how many inncocent people have to die before y'all finally ban them.

All of them


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