This clown world is so tiring

This clown world is so tiring...
Why are they like this?

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Because whores and jews

Its a cry for sex. But only by the top 1% of males. She sees herself as a top tier goddess and while she's fappable, real men know not to stick their dick in crazy. Holy shit NEVER stick your dick in crazy. And you have to be INSANE to do post your, basically naked, body for millions of men to see so those same top 1% men pass her over. So she complains about the lesser men simping and says she's persecuted. When in reality she's taking her failure to snag Billy Billions out on the rest of the male gender.

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Actually, genuine idea, is it possible to create a FAKE billionaire persona to try and catfish women? Not even for sex or lewds but for the lulz?

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They’re so fucking stupid it cannot be that difficult

You're not at the beach.

Wear fuckin' pants.

I don't care if you wanna represent a Modern Culture of Whore.

I don't wanna smell your dirty cunt in Public!

is this literally your first day on the internet?

Not real capitalism

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It's a good thing she has an ugly jew-hawk face otherwise she'd be attractive.

Attention whore whores to get more attention and be memefied

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I admit the potential lewds would be a bonus but the real question is where to start? Is there like a website I can use to create a very photorealistic gigachad persona? I don't want to use a real person as much as I possibly can because that kind of shit could bite me or someone else in the ass...

Id marry this fetal alcohol syndrome whore, though.

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Has someone already done this? I know the "Ex Pedo" tinder account but nothing else.

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Reminds me john wick scene

>I don't dress this way for men!!!
Sure you don't...

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Only a matter of time

Woman are so utterly lost inside a fairytale with their own definitions that makes zero sense whatsoever.

Where are the uncensored picture sir?

Yup, retards.

Another retard.

>We can’t hide them because they’re attached to our groin
>We’ve struggled with what to wear because fashion doesn’t cater to bit cocks

Been there done that in 2006. Some jew did it later on but milked the women for money and actually did become a billionaire and fled to israel to avoid extradition. So there is that.

>I will post my scantily clad body on social media
>"you aren't entitled to an opinion"
how can you make someone ineligible for an opinion? what a retarded cunt

Got your attention didn’t it?

Ah...well there goes the desire for accomplishment. I thought I was original for a sec.

I think she was looking for intelligent criticism/compliments on the costumes she designs and not comments on her body. Makes sense if she does actually have a business that caters to the cosplay crowd.

Why do comics and gaming characters look like this? It’s because this is how the audience wants their characters to look. Over sexualized. Then you get bent out of shape when they fulfill your desires in real life.

I like how she is so very careful NOT to turn sideways, even for a moment.

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