What even happens here?

what even happens here?

Attached: new-foundland-map.png (322x359, 19K)

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a bunch of inbred taigs fight for the last remaining cod as they slowly kill themselves with alcohol.

occultic shit

they do a couple of dances and fish their whole lives then die

We eat turr.

Whale watching.

Looks cold and solitude

Don't ever come here and don't ever speak of this place on this board again.
Do you understand me?

I watch the whales from my Nan’s living room up the straights

Never go there
Trust me

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The fuck's a samsquantch, the word is pronounced saskatchawantch you idiot.

pretty sure it’s “Saskatchewan”

Incest and mongoloid retard expansionist regime. Oh and fishing.

it's pronounced "Labrador"
they make dogs that are trained to hunt russian subs

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its where the take the kids

They keep finding new land

Seals are eatin up all our cod

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It's the god damn samsquanch.

Attached: file.png (900x900, 958.04K)

If you want to be a man, why would you carry and birth a child?

Piece of our island, so it is

People drink themselves to death.

I think those are called sonar operators.