Can any of you actually perform remote healing?

I was curious if it's possible to activate natural tissue regeneration and if it's possible to be activated by someone else?

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unplug The real creator of facebook wanted nothing to do with it.

Attached: copyscripture.png (379x507, 497.54K)

obsidian wing boots.

Attached: 09876trfghjk.png (751x480, 285.22K)

What are you on about?

That's the hacker ''Anonymous''
what hat black hat they are grey hats.
We all know zuckerberg is a fake.

I kinda wish people could heal...

Telomere regeneration happens when you cut goyslop entirely and move to the countryside.
No sugar additives, processed food etc. Just steamed meat, fish and veggies but moving out of the (((city))) is crucial

Any examples of limbs growing back?

No are you retarded? Get a bionic limb if you lost one

Then it's some gayshit and not really regeneration, retard.

This world is cursed...

I will pray for you user how is that?
I do not sin so have much prayerful energy.
But I'm gonna pray you stop looking at trinkets and gnosis as your savior as you've already been instructed so if you're not loving your enemies and transmuting hate into love on the regular you're doing it wrong.

How prayer can heal me? Although go ahead and try.

Look up the New Thinking Allowed channel on youtube.
It's the only one that dives deeply enough into the potential scientific reality of these sorts of things.
Here's one with Stephen Schwartz, who was one of the original army remote viewing guys from the time of Project Stargate. He also did studies on consciousness. Here he talk is about using psychic abilities for healing.

Lol the magik and what not is a cheap, faggot immitation of prayer. As above so below and that is how YOU impact the heavenlies imagine asking some dipshit dweeb angel to do shit for you who now wants you to toss your baby off the balcony (looking at your Eric Clapton, faggot)

Everyone has the power to self heal, you just need to channel yourself into this spectrum.

And the more unhealthy lifestyle you have, the more polluted the environment you live in is, the more out of frequency your spirit is. The harder it is the accomplish it

Thoughts become things.

Have your prayer to anyone else actually healed them?

Yes but if your neural network blocks it then it’s incredibly hard. You have to let the higher power do its job without blocking it. Concentrate on the pain and allow your mind to expand, while simultaneously focusing on the subtle sensation of air entering and exiting your nostril canals.

no because your cells have to be the ones to do the work.

>allow your mind to expand
What you mean user?

>activate natural tissue regeneration

It's possible to magic yourself to health. Of course, we only discovered this knowledge in the last 100 years, around the same time modern medicine proliferated.

Read the acetaminophen warning label backwards while burning a grey and yellow candle. Then take the pill. You'll feel better in 20-40 minutes.

>I was curious if it's possible to activate natural tissue regeneration
Yes, it's possible
>and if it's possible to be activated by someone else?
Yes, you can heal other people or be healed by other people. You can modify the probability of possible future outcomes of the physical through focused intent.

> Yes, you can heal other people or be healed by other people. You can modify the probability of possible future outcomes of the physical through focused intent.
How do you do that?