What did Dugin mean by this?

What did Dugin mean by this?

>"But in the American elite, which is made up of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, at some point a critically large number of non-Americans have accumulated. They are predominantly Europeans, often from Russia. Many are ethnically Jewish but imbued with European or Russian-Soviet principles and cultural codes. They brought a different culture and philosophy to the United States. They did not understand or accept American pragmatism at all, seeing it only as a backdrop for their own advancement. That is, they took advantage of American opportunities, but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism. In reality, it was these alien elites who hijacked the old American democracy. It was they who took the helm of globalist structures and gradually seized power in the United States."


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>What did Dugin mean by this?
im a fucking dunce and my daughter burning in hell because of my autism

are you?

Troons absolutely fucking hate this guy. Why?

I really hope they catch the hohol terrorists and the CIA handlers who killed his daughter. Hopefully Russia starts really slaughtering hohol pigs after this.

>almonds activated
Hmm I wonder who just tried to kill him but murdered his daughter instead

Ok kike
Time to send another million Ukrainians to the trenches for zelenskys glory

Cia is incompetent as fuck now. Diversity hires and affirmative action gets you this result.

Fucking schizo take your meds

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Dugin was born in Moscow, into the family of a colonel-general in the Soviet military intelligence and candidate of law, Geliy Alexandrovich Dugin, and his wife Galina, a doctor and candidate of medicine.[24] His father left the family when he was three, but ensured that they had a good standard of living, and helped Dugin out of trouble with the authorities on occasion.[25] He was transferred to the customs service due to his son's behaviour in 1983.[26] In 1979, Aleksandr entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but was expelled. Afterwards, he began working as a street cleaner and used a forged reader's card to access the Lenin Library and continue studying. However, other sources claim he instead started working in a KGB archive, where he had access to banned literature on Masonry, fascism and paganism.[27]

In 1980, Dugin joined the "Yuzhinsky group", an avant-garde dissident group which dabbled in Satanism and other forms of the occult.[28][29] In the group, he was known for his embrace of Nazism which he attributes to a rebellion against his Soviet raising, as opposed to genuine sympathy for Hitler.[30] He adopted an alter ego with the name of "Hans Siever", a reference to Wolfram Sievers, a Nazi researcher of the paranormal.[31] Studying by himself, he learned to speak Italian, German, French, English[32] and Spanish.[33] He also discovered the writings of Julius Evola in the V. I. Lenin State Library, and adopted the beliefs of the Traditionalist School.

from wikipedia

lol now i love this guy

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Did you make a bot to post this response to every new thread made on Any Forums to further prove your point that all posts on this board are made by bots? Because if you are posting this without using a bot you are making a false statement.

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he speaks truth

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>WTF I love Dugin, eurasianism, communism and third worldism now!!!
No. Get fucked commie.

top kek imagine getting your daughter killed over putin's autism

Hope they nuke the rest of family of this turk loving mongrel

Wow I sure am glad we have captcha to prevent bots from posting.

Hahaha did you sacrifice your daughter to Satan you jew?

>but did not intend to adopt a libertarian logic unrelated to any hint of totalitarianism. In reality, it was these alien elites who hijacked the old Canadian democracy.

Evil Ukranian NAZI-Jew Christia Freeland. God save us from this evil bitch from hell.


cope harder kike lover

commies aren't people

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>top kek imagine getting your daughter killed over putin's autism
well, imagine your daughter killed by her being a coal burner. I think thats worse.

I always thought this was the guy who made tetris?

KEK you forgot your're dance cap

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