What happened to Biden's "winter of death"? I didn't see any piles of unvaxxed bodies in the streets

what happened to Biden's "winter of death"? I didn't see any piles of unvaxxed bodies in the streets

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Covid is a hoax, not even Biden is shilling any more.

I heard it was really bad in Australia, almost as bad as Canada, are they still shilling it where you live?

No, we have elections coming up and they're all trying to distance themselves from the lockdown policies as many much as possible.

>"winter of sever illness and death for yourselves your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm."
Exactly the sort the thing we want to hear during Christmas. How the fuck was this shit ever approved? People made fun of "muh fire and fury" but they gave a pass for this shit?

I ded since 2019. A doctor lean over my death bed and asked if I regret not take the vaccine, I said yes

Yeah not even in the news anymore.
All vax rules gone.
Only asians still think about it.

can confirm, i died 21,37 times previous winter.

don't' ask questions, just consume propaganda and then get excited for next propaganda.

damn bro RIP do you have a gofundme I can donate to for your funerals

Only 21,37 times.
You are small time, I died 6 million times!

Still not vaccinated. Just wanted to help keep that high score away from him.

You know unknown cause is the leading cause of death right now in Canada?

You know since just the start of the summer over 600 athletes, mainly in their 20s, have died of cardiac arrest?

You dumb fucking slave.

Just once I'd like someone to be held accountable for something
I know it's a pipe dream, though

>Not taking the vax
>”Either I die or vaxxies die. Win, win!”
>Neither happens
Fuck this gay earth, we can’t get nothing good in this life.

It turned into a time of severe illness and death for the vaxxed, and this winter will be devastating

The public health officials should be dragged out of their homes screaming and garrotted on their lawn, carcass to be left for the rats and worms.

>Government uses fear tactics to make you do something you don't want to do
Wasn't the first time and won't be the last.

2 more weeks until dark winter. Trust the plan. Vaccine-free chads will just suddenly drop dead any moment.

but the weird thing is how these fear tactics only work on the truly retarded, nobody is afraid of a mild cold after seeing how harmless it is for 2 years except 50IQ droolers

unless there was a violent physical threat implied by the US government in that text unrelated to covid

Maybe he meant this Winter?

Its late august and I'm still waiting for my winter of severe illness and death...

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More like, what happened to Biden's campaign promise of ending covid?

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The government and media propaganda was just that

Threats don't work after the fact

He's talking to the unvaccinated, they will have to deal with vaxxies constantly getting sick and dying for "unknown" reasons.

they always were the sniveling self righteous twats, lil johnny