Women in politics

I’m not really a chud or anything, I don’t really care if women really wanna be in politics. But when I think about, I can’t think of a time where I’ve heard a woman so something of actual substance. Even when they do discuss politics it’s always extremely safe and manufactured

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women are allowed to party sweaty :)
even if they are politicians

who gives a shit lmao

>literal incel copium
women can party too, chud

sluts defending a slut, color me shocked

Women are so fucking stupid lol

women become so cringe when they get into politics

Women are whores.

Don't get married, unless you are a chud.

Not if they want to be taken seriously. This woman is in her mid-30s. Time to grow up.

This. It would be the same as Putin downing vodka and doing retarded Russian dancing

Sanna is a notorious slut

>PM of Finland conducts herself like a harlot
>Western liberals don't find issue with it
>Meanwhile non-western nations political leadership look upon the event with disgust

How can you expect Non-western nations with a completely different cultural outlook to respect you if you can't even carry yourself with a modicum of dignity.

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>woman is a whore

Women in Finland cuck their husbands to show support

This is a nice little diversion from her other favourite pastimes, like eating children with Klaus Schwab and spending millions of Finnish tax payer money on extra moves in Candy Crush.

Doesnt mean we have to approve of it or condone it.

I think its fucking disgusting, shameful and unfitting of the office of prime minister.

If whores dont like that, too bad too sad.


We should unironically just stop caring what thirdoids think of us and think of them as lesser people again. Its simpler that way.

Nobody gives a fuck about this dumb cunt, stop making threads you retard.

>pm cucks her husband
>all women of country collectively cuck their husbands to show solidarity with their pm

Isn't she like 40? Who elects some clown still clubbing in her 40s? If you are still clubbing even in your 30s it's time to grow up.

Now this is what I call party politics

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kek...retards always double down
hews nose this

topic like this is exactly what Any Forumsitically incorrect is all about, you fucking faggot whore.

>We should unironically just stop caring if other groups respect us.
Spoken like a true post-war german.

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It’s interesting that in order to be a judge, attorney, prosecutor and whatnot, you need to carry yourself with a modicum of dignity, otherwise it is grounds for dismissal, yet the Finns don’t even care if the person holding executive power over everyone is acting like a 12 year old idiot.

we have an infestation of lefty whores and faggots

She was installed by the WEF

Woman moment.
Also totaly organic movement

that shit is pretty impressive

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Women are allowed to have sex without you, sweaty ;)

Yup. She is zogbot to core.

women need validation 24/7 which is why they "club" especially after they hit the wall to cope with the fact that soon their bit of beauty they had will fade and they'll die alone

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