Explain in less than 300 words why market socialism is not literally the most perfect economic system...

Explain in less than 300 words why market socialism is not literally the most perfect economic system, combining the profit motive benefit of capitalism with all the benefits of socialism. The best of both systems, basically. Economist's don't like market socialism because their anti-socialiast arguments don't work on it and so they really have no valid criticism of it and can't engage with it in good faith.

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No. Face the wall now.


>most perfect economic system
That's bartering

Sure, as long as there are no jews or niggers to fuck it up.

Anything that gives more money to the government is a bad idea as they do not give a shit about responsible spending and will find more ways to blow all your money that you worked your ass off for

does not matter what name you give it if it is run by the same dirty corrupt perverts.

Its just central planning with worker coops not a realistic system it exists as a fantasy for retarded leftists only.

Read up on market socialist theory before making yourself look stupid. It's not central planning and worker co ops, the fact you'd even say that makes me question you're operating in good faith and willing to consider anything outside the mainstream dogma of capitalist economic theory.

Believe me he cant shoot for shit, his grip and trigger finger position is wrong. He is a danger to himself and anyone to his right front especially midgets, children and small dogs. Red flag this commie cocksucker

>market socialism
Nice concept but lacks the ability to not print money which increases inflation which debases the currency while increasing the national debt.

He could put a bullet in a Nazis eye from a mile away.

I have read plenty and it is central planning or at least a logical equivalent. How do you bring new products/businesses to market?


The state "can't" find the several trillion ist "misplaced". You want those same people to run the entire economy?
Economic trade in the medieval period only flourished when the state *stopped* bring involved so much

A few reasons.

The first is that it doesn't make sense that a worker should own a business. Why should a janitor who does nothing but clean my floors be allowed to own half of my business? Why should they get to vote on my company because he cleans the floors? Why should he own half of my million dollar company because he cleans the floors?

Second reason is that cooperatives require a buy in usually of a large sum lke $50k-$100k. That's a retarded system. No one is going to buy part ownership of a company because they want to work a job. People move. People don't stick to one job for the rest of their lives. No one wants to invest in a company and take on its liability. We just want to work, get a paycheck and be able to quit and leave with ease.

The third is problems with investing and banking. Why would I invest in a company that I get no say in? Why would I invest in a company that isn't looking to make the most profit?

There are many more but I'll stop there.

economic models don't matter as much as a government that cares for it's people

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Funny how all these leftist faggots all take advantage of being in a red/purple state with gun laws that haven't been pilfered by people like them voting for gun grabbing kike/mick/dago democrat politicians.

Any kind of economic system would work as long as certain groups of people didn't erode societys trust for their own benefit.

Most market socialists believe in mass immigration so it will inevitably fail due to being unable to support all the useless foreign people.
Furthermore it would be even more dysgenic than capitalism or socialism because it has all the dysgenic factors of both.
And further more it would be destructive to communities, culture and psychological well being due to it being so dissimilar from preindustrial social orders. People who don't work would become decadent and develop a sense of learn helplessness like those in Venezuela. People who do work would be experiencing an equally unnatural and soulless lifestyle as people in capitalist societies.

There are no benefits to socialism.

>benefits of socialism
Lost me there. Please get a rope, find a tree and test gravity. Thank you.

Show flag

fuck you pedo faggot

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>benefits of socialism
like inefficiency and hunger?

Kys shylock

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>left eye dominant
Lol, get fucked retard.

dont you mean national socialism? sounds like that's what you mean