What do incels think to accomplish with their tirade "hurr durr if women won't give us sex expect violence, terrorism...

what do incels think to accomplish with their tirade "hurr durr if women won't give us sex expect violence, terrorism, white shariah, nazism!! " ? These kind of tantrums dont make you appear more attractive

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The tantrums don't, but acting on them does. That's the folly of the incel

Just take the pussy.

>but acting on them does
and what did the incel mass shooters accomplish exactly?

Reach mental climax

>hurr durr if women won't give us sex expect violence, terrorism, white shariah, nazism!!

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nobody's saying that you data mining cia nigger

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Maybe you could tell me what is going on. And please, speak as you might to a young child. Or a golden retriever. It wasn't brains that brought me here; I assure you that.

ok Ambrogio

Woman in all societies will comply with the most socially dominant and aggressive men in that society. It's just nature.

what is this retarded bullshit? OP, what exactly are you yourself trying to work through?

throwing tantrums like this is passive aggressive, not "aggressive and dominant"


>"hurr durr if women won't give us sex expect violence, terrorism, white shariah, nazism!! "
tell me how it's different to roasties delcaring "sex strikes" every time something they dont like happens

Salem Maleikum, i want my 72 virgins now or i'm going to explode. Inside your mother.

There's a whole type of women that like violent men, I guess they achieve fame

>appear more attractive
Who gives a shit about appearing attractive
We'll just rape them

garbage strawman; opinion discarded

and how is it going?

Who are you quoting, retard? Who ever said that?

>People with absolutely nothing to lose don't care about what others think of them

>not having sex
>have absolutely nothing to lose
disgusting mentality
Any Forums

it's normal.

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You don't understand what's going on. We're dealing not with issue of people who can't put penis into female hole and move it in n out, but with people without stake in society. Most of them can't even properly formulate what's going on because plebs education is shit and average pleb doesn't wield wield language good enough to fully describe it (Hello Orwell!). However since consistent reproduction is a foundation of stake in society as we know it (but not the only part), it is first thing confused mind of pleb focuses on and makes is about sex (fucked by modern lacking language again since what's important here is proper relationship and not sexual act itself but pleb who had "sex sex sex" pounded on his skull for his entire life can't formulate it).

If it was about sex it could have been fixed by paying a whore retard.