Dugin calls for the global elimination of white people

Can someone explain why Any Forums keeps praising these raging Antifa level retards these days? Is it just because he's Russian that this shit is meant to be 'based' now or something?

Attached: putin dugin.png (855x493, 252.42K)

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Attached: Why blame whitey.png (1080x822, 873.97K)

edgy quote out of context.
and if he means (((white))) or (((anglo))) I fully agree with him.

>Putin's brain

Yeeeeeesssss I knew the heckin' NATO shabbos goy military alliance that supports International Jewish finance, State sponsored gay anal sex parades and the necroholes of real women™ endless immigration, the destruction of tradition, religion and the family unit while we all get poorer, who also murdered an innocent young woman of a Russian nationalist white philosopher WAS PRO WHITE!!

imagine being against corporations, how awful

if he wasn't doing something right, they wouldn't be trying to kill him

Why did white supremacists love Dugin back in 2017? All those people taking pictures of him back then.

I bet you're one of those retards who thinks Buddhism and Gnosticism are pro-NWO

>Dugin calls for the global elimination of white people

well it's -1 for whites since yesterday
He did his part

Imagine being some shit ass island producing nothing but stocks yet living beyond your natural resources means because the system in place forces the world to obey it. That's the reality of UK.

Yet for past 100 years it managed to go from global empire to barely holding remnants of Ireland.

Time will show it's place.

he means those who call themselves white but are not

Lot of mental gymnastics in this thread.

he's literally talking about the internationalists. This quote is 100% National Socialist and Adolf Hitler would agree with it.

from what I have seen it even looks like it went +1 for blacks

Lol no one hear praises him, he’s a literal who in russia

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>This quote is 100% National Socialist and Adolf Hitler would agree with it.
fuck Hitler then lol

Is that why this just happened?

>how to tell the world you're a canaanite without telling the world you're a canaanite

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Is this something Russia is just now hearing about?
What does he think of that new show, Miami Vice?

>Can someone explain why Any Forums keeps praising these raging Antifa level retards these days?
chuds are gullible, in their minds russia is the parangon of le based and anti globohomo whatever that meme is

Attached: 1660056213130.jpg (640x887, 208.65K)

Attached: Aleksandr Dugin 1.png (2612x1789, 1.55M)

It isn't out of context, it's the same shit he's always saying. See pic rel and Just as I said, when Dugin says overtly 'anti white' rhetoric in the truest possible sense Any Forums starts running damage control and trying to reinterpret his very clear words to mean the opposite of what he said.

Attached: putin 2022.jpg (720x1071, 447.16K)

Your ilk also say it, meme flag. Makes no difference if it comes from a russian.

He’s a fringe guy in Russia

He also acknowledges the west as anti-white too.
The reality is that leftists glowniggers with NATO flags are a greater threat to the west than Russia ever will be.

I can't find that article, can you link it?

>and if he means (((white))) or (((anglo))) I fully agree with him.

Attached: 1648615419537.png (1677x2284, 1004.1K)

>Lol no one hear praises him
He's always making the rounds on alt right interviews.

>I stand on the side of the people of Zimbabwe
You know what that means? He was talking about Mugabe stealing the white farmers land and kicking them out of the country. A few years later Mugabe started begging them to return because a famine was the consequence.

Again, you need to be doing insane levels of mental gymnastics, there's nothing for me to argue because I would just be quoting more of his words that I've already posted.

He's bitching about what is considered 'exploitation' of the other races by whites. You may have heard this said before by every leftist in college campuses and blue haired SJWs on twitter. It's something commies have been complaining about for years and years.

Any Forums seems surprised that all these guys from the USSR are still saying the same old crap.

>calls for the end to white civilisation
fuck these stupid slavniggers, the the fact that you even made this thread is a travesty get cancer and kill your parents for creating such a fucking retard

>alt right interviews.
Kike shill begone