I genuinely feel sorry for him

I genuinely feel sorry for him

I hope many hohols die for this, especially women and children

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they wanted to remove nazis didn't they?

I asked this in the last thread but nobody answered me: who do you guys think did it?

>I genuinely feel sorry for him

>I hope many hohols die for this, especially women and children

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it was a false flag

Is that Harold Shipman

probably anti war russian "elites"

Many pigs in Ukraine will die for this. We will kill them all.

Fuck him and his cunt daughter

KYS not my problem bitch

The cunt wanted war and he got it. Sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind.


Attached: reaping the whirlwind.png (459x976, 405.1K)

Fuck him and his cunt daughter


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am i suppose to know who this is

Yep, got a taste. Only childless schizoids who like to be in the middle of shootings and bombings should push for war

She did not fall from the 4th now did she.

you keep posting this in every dugin thread. he's a news story so obviously he did something in the world to account for his current trendiness

Imagine killing the daughter of the most ardent philosophical supporter of Putin. I'm sure he'll just go back to writing peaceful psalms, and not demand the death and destruction of the so-called "West". If there's not WW3 by 2025, I will eat my socks.


another meme flag telling you to feel sorry about russia

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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putin did this you simpleton.

I stopped following what the slavniggers been doing, happening?

Is there a video, would love to see budget Rasputin's reaction


dugin's daughter's car was bombed with her inside.
dugin is is an influential ideologue in russia in case you don't know

>dugin is is an influential ideologue in russia in case you don't know

how come the ruskies that actually are pro NS say this guy is a fraud?