I don't understand a single thing this guy says in his videos

I don't understand a single thing this guy says in his videos.

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Fake smart guy shit like Bret Weinstein.

His main thing is that it's always okay to cry it all out.

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I'll explain....

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You don't even mention his name,

Wash your penis, user.

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>whatever you do, buckos, dont become white nationalists
>jews are geniuses who deserve to rule the world and hitler was pure evil
>buy my rug, buy my books, buy my merchandise

Honestly I am a big fan of JP but I swear in the past 12 months he has been just speaking in tongues

Let me explain.
In the early 20th century, the intellectual world was split in two.

People in the West of Europe were doing what we know today as "science", characterized by:
>evidence-based reasoning
>open review and critique
This could be found in Britain, the Anglophone countries, and the big cities of Western Europe.

Emanating from the East of Europe meanwhile, you had a type of Philosophical reasoning. Characterized by:
>A grey bearded sage type figure
>do what the man says
>if you question him you're an idiot
These movements were typically about whipping up the masses into a big mob to go run through the streets and break things until they got their way. Most of these leaders were jews, and thus the movements were typically promoted by a conspiracy of media and financial interests.

When the jews migrated to America, they brought this style of intellectualism with them. They landed in America, which possessed a highly empirical Anglo-Saxon culture. Thus to be taken seriously, they had to publish some research. This is the advent of "pseudo-science" as the people conjured up bullshit research to justify their pre-ordained ideological conclusions. Virtually the entire left wing intellectual position rests on studies like this. If you want some examples of this pseudo-science, check out "The Culture of Critique".

Anyway, this was definitely a jewish movement. But Germans got into the mix and participated as well. Thus you see lots of German philosopher types, like Hegel, doing the same shuck-and-jive. For the most part, defensively, to oppose the jews.

All psychology stuff is rooted in this. Freud is one of these "grey bearded wise men" who created a psuedo-scientific method called "psychoanalysis" that gave birth to an entire domain of psychological reasoning. All of it rooted in pseudo-science, and philosophy jargon.

Jordan Peterson was a student of Carl Jung, who was working athwart Freud. That's where he's coming from. It's all nonsense.

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Why are Canadians such grifters?

>shit eyes
>dark skin
yeah thats a dog fucker

I think JP’s fame got the better of him. I do believe his prime has come and gone.
Still some of his older lectures and conversations are great

Because you are uneducated. Go read a fucking book. Start with Hemingway.

Yeah it's possible. Since he was banned on twitter it has gotten worse, he is just constantly releasing videos of him rambling on about random topics. I have watched a few but they don't seem worth watching

It's better that way.

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Perhaps you'd enjoy an Andrew taint thread.

The 12 2hour long maps of meaning lectures are amazing and possibly life changing, they were for me.
>inb4 jewterson
I know, he denies that kikes run this show and that makes him a faggot, but his advice on fixing your own life is still pretty solid, especially if your life is completely fucked. I went from having to navigate my way through a room full of garbage and piss jugs, to working out every day and running my own business. His warnings made me quit drugs and vidya and made me understand what I was trying to distract myself from
Ironically, he also sparked my intense hatred for kikes and ignited my love and appreciation for my family, so at least there’s that
Will jewterson save the white race? No, no he wont. Could he play a role in guiding young men to do it as a collective? I’d argue yes, he could
I dont watch his recent shit, only his prefame lectures that were about self improvement and understanding

me either. I think what he's basically saying is that he is a loser who has been cucked repeatedly throughout his life and that other men should be like this and put on bowties and faggy sweaters. And that this is what progressive women want and the only way that you will get them.

That's because you're clearly retarded and homosexual
Also weak b8 m8

Watch his analysis of pinocchio and tell me again that its pseudoscience
>inb4 kek pinocchio
Yeah whatever, thats white culture with deep traditional influences that are deeply ingrained in the story, a tale passed down through generations that taught past uncucked western society how to become a man instead of falling for outside distractions and destructive influence
Its some of his most accessible stuff as well, if you cant get on board with that analysis or don’t understand it, i’m afraid you’re not white or have some extra chromosomes

He's pretty smart but he's getting pretty aggressive lately. I think Rogan hooked him up with some TRT and elk meat.

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