White people banned house

White people have been banned from a "poc house" in UC Berkeley

Found this by someone responding to it with a laughing emoji, I guess the main normie's reaction is that it's funny.

Attached: white-people-banned-house.jpg (1182x855, 163.58K)

So do you think Jews are organizing another World War to start civil / ethnic conflicts in all White nations to kill off another half of the global White population?

I am excited for segregation to come back so I don't have to be around stupid fucking shitskins

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Attached: dats raycist.gif (200x179, 319.76K)

I try to avoid POC. No good comes from being near them.

If it's segregation, where is the white-only space?

most of fly over america

that's what I'm saying, man.

Attached: 1658452612630480.jpg (1024x658, 90.96K)

lmao uc berkely is hilarious, at this point theyre just trolling everyone

That's not how it will work idiot.

This. The further away from niggers, the better.

OPs image failed to express that the house is owned by a private landlord and not university managed housing..

white people banned from off-campus
means while only spaces dip shits. They literally just switched the language around

white people banned from sitting at the back of the bus
white people banned from drinking at the water fountain at the back.

rather complaining you guys should be pushing this.

Not what will happen. Browns will have their own spaces and they will have your spaces too. You are just a resource for them to exploit until they eliminate you once and for all, you will have no space of your own.

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

No, under this plan you're just not allowed to have a house and niggers can. Do you really accept that?

The left loves segregation.

Why would a white person want to be there? Worst case scenario, white sluts can't show up there to get blacked.

We need to expand this

If non-whites were smart they would stick with their own kind in a low key way that wouldn't draw much attention. People would know that X part of town is where Y live. Good fences make good neighbors sort of thing. Instead these goofballs are broadcasting their true feelings and making whites hate them more and more each day. Keep doing that at your own peril, scum.

The USA deserves it

Keep all the rapists in one house, smart

Death to America

Keep your niggers in chains.