Why are wignats so stupid?

They keep getting themselves arrested for no reason.

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Is that considered white in mutt america ?

Latino Zoomer is Indio you fucking idiot

Latino. Can't you read?

>Latinx white nationalist

>Following his arrest, Velasquez was subsequently charged with possession of child pornography as well after FBI agents reportedly located illegal images on his cell phone.
they’re going to permanently stain your name if they arrest you
Dumb spic should’ve kept his mouth shut

>speaking about men
>still uses latinx

Been asking for years and nobody can tell me a "wignat" is. Do you "people" just hear some retard e celeb make up a word and start repeating it like a parrot?

Wignats are anti-Nick Fuentes and Nick Fuentes' detractors like LatinoZoomer

wigger nationalist

> It stands for "wigger nationalist" and was originally used to describe lower class, violent, and unattractive neo Nazis that were willing to engage in street violence and unabashed Nazism with the use of swastikas and other symbol

He's not a wignat, he's a groper.

Damn, an honest jew, based Lorber

Dude probably shouldn’t have downloaded illegal pornography. That’s more of a him problem than a them problem.


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Feds charge anyone they arrest with CP which is basically a death sentence in prison.
You really don't want to ever surrender to these fucking animals

Pretty sure that word predates that
Sound logical, I hate ebonics

What the fuck timeline is this

>another jew defending nick fuentes

ben lorber is anti white

It’s supposed to mean wigger nationalist but it was mainly used by Nick Fuentes to slander those who didn’t support him.

>thinks the government doesn't plant evidence to demonize its enemies

cause they're a meme

I see now, thank you.

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