MRNA Vaccine Misinformation

>Unpublished study on COVID-19 vaccine side effects for teenagers has been misrepresented online, fact-checkers say

>Fact-checkers from Reuters and AP report that a study on the side-effects of COVID-19 vaccines on 301 teenagers conducted in Thailand has been misrepresented and is missing context in social media posts. In the study, which has not yet been published or peer-reviewed, only one in 301 was confirmed to have myocarditis, a lower figure than is being shared online, AP and Reuters report. A large proportion of purported abnormalities detected by testing were without symptoms, and 100% of the teens in the study fully recovered after 14 days, the authors of the study reported. Speaking to AP, one of the authors of the study indicated that the study was being misrepresented on social media.

>A study of 301 teens in Thailand found mild and temporary heart rhythm changes after a second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine among one in six teenagers, not one-third as social media posts claim

Listen chuds, the adverse effects were only found in 1 out of 6 patients not one out of three. Stop the misinformation that these are harmful

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I know this because I admittedly clownfart up the board all the time, (I’m addicted to the you’s and let’s face it, contrarian views get clicks) and I just saw someone literally copy and paste, verbatim, an original post of mine from days ago. What does it mean? How often does it happen? I’m certainly not the only one this has happened to. Who’s doing it? What’s their motivation? Am i to believe my shit posting is so fucking good that multiple anons saw them and decided to replicate them?? Doubt. There’s something going on here and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.

only retards and midwits took the vaccine

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Safe and effective

idgaf kike nigger bitch retard. Fuck reddit /news/ botspam

1 out of 6 isn't a lot.

tldr hidden nigger kike retard.


Sorry you were manipulated into taking a dangerous shot of chemicals. No refunds, though. And no, we won't pay for medical bills if you develop weird or even fatal side effects. Thank you for taking the shot, though.

uhm excuse me sweetie this has been pre-bunked

Aint reuters and ap owned by blackrock

The good thing is we don't have to pay them either. I'll probably never own a house anyway.

but it's all over radio and tv that the vaccine is safe and effective.. that is how you know it is neither safe nor effective.

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>only one in 301 was confirmed to have myocarditis
> and 100% of the teens in the study fully recovered after 14 days

but you dont recover from myocarditis?

You're mine Bender - safe and effective

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Ollie Wines did

That's how they get you in the argument. You do "recover" from myocarditis, but your body doesn't recover from the damage done by it. If you have ever broken an ankle or been in a car crash you will know what I mean. You recover from your injuries but you will never been the same as you were before.

Peter McCullough clarified that 50% due in 5 years shit everyone keeps spouting off. The correct reading of that study is that of all the people with confirmed cases of myocarditis that required hospitalization, 13% of those myocarditis patients had suffered permanent injury. Of those injured patients, 50% died within 5 years.

Stop noticing things

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That isn’t true. See my prior post.

Vaccines cause side effects all the time. The world is an imperfect place.

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>word salad

>full recovery within 14 days*
*if you survive