
Attached: NOO.png (640x533, 512.23K)

God bless.

(((new technology)))

It’s not though. It’s the thirteenth recorded shroud to make the claim. It wasn’t even accepted as a relic its day. It’s not today either. It’s considered art by the church that has the most to gain from pretending it’s real.

Why would (((New Technology))) support a Messiah who called them Synagogue of Satan?

Shroud of turin is the fakest shit i have ever seen, i can't believe christcucks think its real

even if it was, what tech was around 2000 years ago to create the imprint

Bro learn Christianity. Only the fake Jews (satanic Masonic Rothschild WEF empire) are that.

>Christcuck wordpress blog
Amazing source.

Within your lifetime the jews are going to claim jesus was one of their own all along, but not for the reasons that you’ll like.

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Jews deny Jesus. I know it's a Any Forumsmeme to suggest its religious control, but there's no control in turning goyim away from judaism. the core of judaism is borrowing, lending, mitzvah, etc. Christianity teaches God hates people who take up debt

Where is that clause in Scripture?

Sometimes you pour out a pancake and it looks like christ. It’s supposed to be holy. Uhhh…like pancakes I made once.


Did Qanon tell you that?

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Dr. Liberato de Caro of Italy’s Institute of Crystallography of the National Research Council


It’s a camera obscura.

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The fuck is the Shroud of Turin?

Messianic judaism is on the rise. Doesn’t matter if you believe me, it’s happening as I post. It’s going to be in full swing in about a decade.

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In about two weeks even

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>new technology
New technology says the Shroud is an old paper towel from 1985.

Attached: science23.jpg (1234x456, 51.58K)

What they wrapped Jesus in when he died. As the story goes, he was put in a cave tomb and three days later he's gone, the shroud is all that's left.

I hate the antichrist
I love Jesus Christ

Who cares.
Fuck Jesus abd fuck christians!

2 thessalonians 2:14&15

A piece of cloth some monks drew a picture of jesus on


Oh wow. I guess we need to turn the other cheek while the jews completely burn down western civilization.

That's not an explanation though, I remember watching a show where they tried various artistic techniques to reproduce the shroud but failed. Their closest example involved a camera obscrura I believe, but it still wasnt able to fully reproduce the effect. It remains unexplained.


I've got some killer screenshots from 2016 or so where a Any Forumslack made some pretty solid arguments in favor of the shroud's authenticity. I can't dig em up currently, but if any anin remembers, maybe I'll make a post tonight with the screenshots.
I'm not even much of a believer and spent my first 15 years of adulthood as an atheist. But the posts were pretty convincing.

Your jew is showing.

Attached: 9268DDC0-4913-4F86-B8AF-1494B8AF0B52.gif (360x203, 801.81K)

Interesting. Maybe this really is the end game. The WEF is about what you'd expect to lead to the antichrist and a world government


Huzzah I found one

But I thought Christcucks were against Science?
Niggas believe humans were born in a garden with magical apples and talking sneks