You have no excuse not having a homestead and a trad wife pumping out children right now

You have no excuse not having a homestead and a trad wife pumping out children right now

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>no excuse
I'm an ugly autist and I know nothing about homesteading

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You live in a fairytale if you think you can just go in the woods and ignore the world.
Finish the job he started first.

Attention, faggots of /pol. White people simply cannot outbreed shitskins. Stop with this "get a tradwife and have children" shit, you are unironically shilling to breed out another generation of tax slaves.

Grow the fuck up and start thinking about how you can take out the 9 shitskins that outnumber you.

Wish i was ameriburgerchad

No money

You are 100% correct, I just need to go and claim my wife and the rest will follow. I just hope she feels the same way I do.

Working on it. You know how much that shit costs?

I'd rather drink a lot of beer.

My great great great great grandpa Otto von Werner said the same thing

Are you aware that an acre of good land is at least 20,000+? You need a few to make a homestead unless you're just pretending.

If I could buy a house with a decent amount of land in fed-owned lands and without having to pay any taxes to exist there, I would have done so already. It's just not feasible almost anywhere in the first world

"""money""" is not needed, it is a deception from the kikes.

post prime breeding wemenz

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I hear you. I'd love to just squat some bank owned land, but I'd rather not worry about losing it too.

Thing is you fags think the wife should come first. No. Go and prepare a place first. Get a trade/skill. Earn some bread. Buy some land. Build your house and start your homestead. Then find a woman to turn that house into a home. Better to do these things before so your don't have to have her input on how to do it. Then when you get tired of useless millennial wife nagging you go out into the field and do something productive to get the hell away from her and those crap factories you'll be popping out that never shut up. Trust me. You will thank me. Good luck fren

Sorry i wasn't born with a silver spoon in which I am given 40 acres and a mule on my 18th birthday to share in God's providence.

And at the end of the day, your kids and grandchildren still wind up as literal slaves as the golem known as the american nigger outbreeds then outvotes you, and you die realizing that democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner, and guess what - it's you

>no excuse
How about no wife and no land.

No I think not. I want to join myself into holy matrimony with my wife, not live a life secluded from her. Her input is as valuable as mine, which is why I must find her first.


I'm ugly and only make 39k a year.

Give me land nigger

Why even feel "worry" in the first place? We create our own understanding and our own experience, why experience "worry"?

Oh well. Can't control it. Might as well enjoy my own little bubble I built while I still can. If they want what I got then they can raid me for it and a few can die the process. I don't give my cakes, pumpkin pies, and golden apples to away. (In Minecraft)

Don't want one.

You are absolutely fucking retarded.

No amount of autism on my part is going to make losing my hard work okay.

Then follow biblical tradition if you want holy matrimony. The groom goes and prepares a place and then he returns for his bride.

Here we go

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Finally some common sense. You’re 3 white children will grow up and work to pay for 9 niglets. The government is in a panic now because it’s actually productive wypipo checking out of the job market now.

You are a slave

I'm just like you Go squat some land or else you're a hypocrite.

Outstanding user.

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