Anyone got the vid?

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this happens every couple years and I have no sympathy, same as the faggots who get hired by bison for going right up to them for a selfie. You’re not supposed to get anywhere close to these hot springs, both for safety, and because the travertine is fragile and damaged by people walking on it.

Okay but where is the video?

My mom used to live near Yellowstone. She said there are many such cases.

No one cares just post the video or shut the fuck up

How much do the bison pay once hired?

I am packing all of my bags and family and walking out of the door now, driving across the country for this job. If it isn’t there when I get there expect a lawsuit

I hope she remembered to tiktok dance through the whole thing.

animals dont value curency retard

The herd hasn't unionized yet, expect less than perfect working conditions.


>let's look it up on live leak

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Waterfalls are haunted by sometimes malevolent spirits. Hot springs and geysers probably are as well. Best not to tempt them.

he felt his cock and balls swell then rupture then dissolve

The mother fucker said they was hiring though

The Visual Information Specialist (federal employees of the NPS) would definitely have put it on the shared drives of Yellowstein and NPS. They also have high-resolution still photos of the aftermath. It is part of their job to visually document all mishaps that happen under NPS. Demand from them the full uncensored video and pics under FOIA and similar regulations and you will receive.

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Didn't this happen 10 years ago? I could have sworn I've seen this exact same story before

It happened one year ago according to the date OP posted in his slide thread.


okay but where is the video

You just get sucked down not dissolved. If he was a man with a leather wallet, uhh how did that not melt too, also it somehow floated.

>I am packing all of my bags and family
you got a suitcase big enough for your wife?

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This thread retarded yo.
I like it.

I wonder.. did he swim a bit as his skin sloughed off or was the initial shock so intense that he just laid back and literally dissolved? Just like

Serious. How hot can it be? Boiling? That would be fucked.

How long to dissolve a body? Bones too?

You get it through here:

depends on what you use. usually days, also some bones will never dissolve and will just get small and breakable

Science fag! Who cares? You would trust the news otherwise?! Nufag!!

okay but where is the video

oy vey

it happens frequently, the worst one was some guy jumped in to save a dog that wasn't even his. and then got out saying "wow that was a stupid idea" as his skin was sloughing off

Unironically happened back in like 2015 when I was there. Basically same exact circumstances. Brother/sister and brother got boiled. Wtf

Kek. Mental image is killing me

This is the new meme. Jej

would be a shame if someone had to reenact this valuable research

kill yourself. i will find the video and upscale it to 4k

Someone nearby just has to throw in a chicken leg and record. I don't think these things are that acidic. It's probably as acidic as lemon juice.

I'll never forgive them for taking it away from us

I have the vid and will release it for trips or better

Pics. Or this literally never happened.

Or polar bears. They just left the shoe in the pen and Binky liked to carry it around.

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