Why don’t people seem to be worried about the collapse?

And I don’t just mean in real life although I partially do, I mean here, in Any Forums. With the situations we’re in it feels like every other thread would be spazzing out about failing currencies, housing collapse, mass inflation and how it’s all kind of unravelling but we’re not. I mean, we are but no where near the amount we probably should be.

Most of the threads are about petty party politics or inconsequential local issues and it feels odd in this climate

Plus, why aren’t big companies with loads of investors spazzing out either? Why do people like Disney, Paramount, Universal etc all have plans for the near and distant future for toys, movies, games and more knowing full well none of it will come to anything or at the very least knowing most people will be too poor to buy and consume any of it come next year?

I mean, is the collapse a lie and I’m just panicking for no reason? I feel like I can hear everything crumbling but I can’t see any of it. Can I get some more perspectives on it please?

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It's a meme to sell you water filters and baked beans.

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Have you ever been told your whole life that something was about to happen but it never does?

>Why don’t people seem to be worried about the collapse?

I spent years roleplaying as an ironic Christfag, until my life fell apart and I decided I was going to kill myself after finally checking a DMT trip off my bucket list. Now I'm an unironic Christfag, I believe in objective Good and Evil, and I know there will be incredible suffering, but God prevails. I am saved from hell by Grace alone, thank God, and even if what is to come kills me, I will live again and eternally.

Attached: fear not.jpg (2018x1486, 1.34M)


I'm 40 and the world has been ending my whole life
You ll get used to it kid

>I broke my brain with drugs now I unironically believe a retarded jewish cult that formed in political opposition to the Romans 2000 years ago


> a retarded jewish cult that formed in political opposition to the Romans
You are retarded if you think that's what Christianity is
It's the greatest Jewish achievement
The one that gave them all their power
The one conspiracy to rule them all

get off the internet and go outside, retard.
everything is FINE

I’m 18. I went through the 2008 financial crash but as a dumb 5-6 year old in foster care so desu it iddnt effect me. This is the first time I’ve been through a “everything will end and wither away” cycle and it’s confusing to navigate. I’m not going to say I’m not impressionable, but I find it very hard to see things clearly. I mean just today I spent 20 quid on cans of beans and water bottles so I feel like I have massive tunnel vision

Based Skyquake poster

Attached: Skyquake.jpg (560x920, 332.93K)

How did you achieve grace?

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For boomers there was a nuclear apocalypse every day
For millenials the economy crash
Zoomers you need to get on board

Collapse is a right wing retard fantasy.


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That's what worries me is I'm seeing impending doom but nobody else is
So I'm pretty sure I'm wrong

Yeah but with nuclear war it never actually happened
With the economy crashing it does more frequently and severely every few years at this point

learned helplessness, even if they believed it would happen, they simultaneously believe they can't do anything about it

You know he’s getting a new figure next year?
I guess but has it ever come this close to proper societal collapse?
See i kind of plan for worst case scenarios. I’ve been put in foster case twice because of my mum getting severely ill multiple times as a kid. We’ve literally had days where we can’t eat because we had no money and things eventually got better but I always planned for the worst and convince myself it’s actually happening so if it does happen I’m sad but not surprised and actually kind of prepared, and if it doesn’t then well, I go back to planning but I get relief in knowing it’s better than I anticipated it would be
Well theoretically it is kind of impossible for average people to stop a possible societal collapse when all trade and money disappears. Do you personally believe that shit’s ending or no?

>I'm 40 and the world has been ending my whole life
>It's a meme to sell you water filters and baked beans.
>Have you ever been told your whole life that something was about to happen but it never does?
Unlike 2008 and 1999 and the 1970s and the rest of these examples from previous generations, now there actually are supply shortages. Now there actually are skyrocketing costs, out of control inflation and government that has gone completely and irrevocably insane. Between 2023 and 2032, Social Security is going to collapse, as will most of the socialist ponzi schemes around the world. Not "might". Going to. Half of all boomers haven't even hit retirement age yet and the Government is printing money by the trillions for a bunch of obvious scams.
Life will go on, the collapse of the Roman empire didn't end life on earth, just 'life as we know it'. That's what's about to happen now. It's futile to try to explain this to people because of all the apocalyptic imagery that's common, and because of a century of trying to frighten people into not having children because "the world is about to end", but the empire is about to collapse.
The Collapse won't be full-on Mad Max, it will be empty shelves and punitive, politically empowered commissars.
You should absolutely prep. Buy toilet paper and food that will last. "The end of the world" is not literally the end of everything, but there are collapses and the like happening. It'll be more like "Stores are out of toilet paper and beans for six or eight or ten or twelve weeks. When "the end of the world comes" it comes in a panic of people buying and stores being empty.

>hey, kid
>you want some Super Male Vitality?
I'm hoping for a collapse.

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I deal with it by looking forward to death. There's no scenario where my life will be any better in the future than it is now because Jews. I'm not angry, I don't want revenge, I just want to be let off of clown world asap.

>We know these things about history from graffiti
user, be serious. Graffiti is explicitly bullshit.

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I'm 37 but this time I'm buying water and food
Having a hard time going all out tho that would also mean to come to terms that we are truly thoroughly fucked

Most of the threads here are made by damage control feds.

I'm not worried about the collapse because I got all the 80s and 90s stuff I could get out of the Internet and know how to live without technology coddling me.

I mean, how long will shelves be empty for before things get fixed or get a bit more livable? Would it really just be 2 or 3 months? I’ve already got 4 months worth of soup cans stored up since I was panicking when the war in ukraine broke out and I was terrified of being nuked
Well what do you believe lies for you after death?
Well why not? Just put aside 30 to 40 dollars worth of currency each month and buy stuff with it. 20 cans of beans or soup is 20 days of food. Do that for a few months and it’s 80 days of food. It’s what I’m doing
How is it damage control by the feds?

LURK MOAR FAGGOT. Ignore the front page and browse by recently created you stupid dumb faggot. Any Forums is not 1 person. there are many of us making collapse posts. fuck you stupid bong. fucking dumb dumb motherfucker. faggot.