Democrats are dumbing down this board

Seriously, go back to midwit r*ddit where you came from, you leftists are only making Any Forums worse.
You're like Californians fucking up the rest of the country. Stay in your containment zone.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Democrats have all the blacks so yeah, there goes your IQ

>hurr durr if i inspect element edit a page to make conservatives look smarter everyone will believe it
fuck off retard

eh, liberals would be a no. leftists would be a yes. progressives would be a huge yes. commies would be guaranteed.

Democrats are also the party of poor uneducated white trash.

It's not just the blacks weight down the left IQ score.

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OP needs to post an archived link. Until then assume it’s fake and he will IP hop posting an article saying the opposite and he’ll be all “WOW POL WAS WRONG AGAIN LMAO” never bump unsourced screenshot threads.

Are we talking about real conservatives or just centrists larping as conservatives?

This has been DEBUNKED.

Only idiot conservatives fall for screenshot misinformation panels on Any Forums.

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Every study ever conducted going back at least 10 years proves conservatives are higher IQ than liberals.

I mean you losers legitimately believe boys are girls and girls are boys. How dumb can you possibly be?

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Ackshually it's DEBOOOKEND it's just a coincidence the PhD's all agree with Any Forums

Uh, it say "rumor" in your image, chuddy boy. Not very smart of you.

Then post an archived link? Should be easy

Only cause there's sooo many more liberals than conservatives so the average gets thrown off. Let that sink in

Well, with the whacky shit they believe and how easily they are led by their TVs, its quiet obvious

and communists have the highest IQ of all

I mean just look
This one dosn't even understand why the word average is in the OP

Wait a minute.
The study, date, and author is literally in the picture you replied to

And you want a "source"?

Holy fuck. You just proved Democrats are subIQ retards in real time

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Bruh they're shills paid to be here and raiders who come here for five minutes then leave. The shills often don't even believe the stuff they push. Back when I did heroin, one of my junkie friends would find these gigs promoting random liberal/leftist political causes online for heroin money despite the fact he was a right winger bordering on Nazi.

I don't think this one is getting 100k upvotes on /r/science

Search engines aren’t showing it, go ahead and post the link

Bottom row, third from right could look cute if you took like 8 years of meth use off her face and gave her a normal haircut.

Only ones that look somewhat normal are moustache man top row and even he's fat, and brown guy with purple glasses. His heavy prescription distorts his face, but if he got smaller, normal glasses they wouldn't coke bottle so much.

I keep forgetting that I'm talking to actual mouth breathers. Here you go retard

bfy. tw/TSB0

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oh man that's fucking shocking, the people who want to live in a pod, eat bugs, worship niggers, and willingly lined up for experimental gene therapy like good cattle are fucking dumb, I never would have guessed

dude most of them are trolling looking for attention, and you can filter most of them just by adding keywords to your filter list

not gonna divulge mine, but it's 2 pages long. i only get a stray one coming though every now and again because these clowns are unimaginative trash saying the same shit, over and over again