Do journalists really face unprecedented threats today?

Why are there waves of female journalists speaking out like this?
Is it a real problem?
Is it getting worse?
Why would anybody be angry at journalists, anyway?

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Kill them.

Trump woke up the nation, and it's only just beginning.
>73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with "immigrants and people of color who share their political views", shocking new poll shows
>The survey also asked: "Do you personally believe that in the U.S. Jewish people are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Jewish people’s views?"
>12% of Trump voters replied "Yes"
>Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society

Obviously most people are not going to openly name the jew to some random pollster... so safe to say you can easily double or triple these numbers, at a minimum.

Jew political, funding and voting data:

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>killing journalists

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Even when talking about death threath to her life waht she really want is attention.

She called out white males. Viva la revolucion.

Holy shit. Cry me a fucking river. Stop writing Jewish lies then you cunt.

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Just, like, stop being a fucking journalist then. Simple as that. Oh right, she won't do that because she's a self-important whore who will say "BUT MUH CAREER" because she has deluded herself into thinking she's actually doing valuable work for society.

>we don't get to unplug from this

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She's right. Journo's are probably going to be the first when shit goes south.

We took an oath

Do you all actually hate journos?
I thought maybe she was exaggerating, but the replies from anons here had me concerned she may he telling the truth about this

if all journos just told the truth all the time there would be no threats to their existence

honesty has never had a place in the business model of journalism.

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Yup, she right. More white men need to protect woman journalists. It would probably be a good idea if they moved in to their homes and fathered their children, Because they don’t get to unplug from that responsibility


I hope so. Fuck journalists

But then the women wouldn't be able to have careers as journalists?

Because they're fucking retarded and we don't get to unplug from them.

I reckon most sports reporters and weather reporters don't need to look over their shoulder for lying and spouting communist filth.

Shut it down

i've never seen a journalist that i didn't stop for a second and think "this person is scum"

Freedom of the Press isn't Freedom of Consequences.
just a cheeky little play on the whole
>Freedom of Speech isn't Freedom of Consequences.
this is not a threat, glowniggers

>females whining
This shouldn't surprise anyone

No but they should.
Slit their throats like the pigs they are until they start telling the truth.

they dont face enough threats, they should fear for their lives until they stop fucking lying

All westoid journalists do is create and accelerate the conditions for violence domestically and internationally. At home they de facto criminalize any opinion against unfettered immigration or racism, thus making their cities rape & murder grounds. When they're not doing that, they're fawning over the necessity of doing whatever defense contractor think-tanks emissaries tell them to say, to ensure there are 5,000-10,000 people killed every week in each financial quarter using westoid weapons backed by the CIA.
nu-journalists are fucking scum, of course it's all solipsist women today - every time you read an article or turn on the TV it's some new young urban whore putting a fresh face on the west's savagery.

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