Why do women make it so hard to fuck their vaginas?

Why do women make it so hard to fuck their vaginas?

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Cuz otherwise society ends up with retarded faggots like you

That r3ddit post make zero sense

Because it didn't actually happen and its purely fanfiction of some walled landwhale. Reads like an autistic Childs story about how he met sonic and got a big tit gf after beating up some bad guys

Who wants to bet she also has posts crying about being alone and that all the good men are missing?

1 awkward approach = deal breaker. Sorry chud. Bring a polished product.

>purely fanfiction of some walled landwhale
*trans landwhale

This is why I never approach women and all never do that shit. Aside from the fact that I never had to, I know women are inherently cunts and are beneath me, so I would never debase myself, nor give any cunt the satisfaction.

>imagine writing all this
She was like the 4th girl I walked up to that day I don’t give a fuck lmaooo

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She only discusses private topic with her the rapist.

Sounds like another case of things that didn't happen.


toxici feminity

I dont buy it. For all I know, this is another reddit tranny larping.

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It's only hard if you're not a Chad.


Your Chad persistence makes me drop trou.

The story (which is a nothing... men cold approach all the time) probably did happen. The saddest part about it is that somehow the post got to the reddit leaderboard.

Eh I hate women and I think what she did is fine. Don't whine and cry because some chick said no to your cringy opener, move on.

This is actually a woman demonstrating a modicum of self-respect and self-determination. She knows what she wants, and it's not you.

Is it really so hard for you to believe that a random woman got asked out by a dude?
She sounds retarded but so do you