Won’t “pro-choice” voters just abort themselves into extinction?

I’m not a math wiz, but if pro-lifers are having children and pro-choicers are killing theirs, isn’t it just a matter of time before everybody’s pro-life?

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I'm against abortion but no one argues that a young fetus is not "alive" but that it's not a human yet.
By posting stupid shit like this you're making your position look worse

That's a bit of a dishonest argument but I can see where you're coming from. Besides, aren't niggers the ones who overwhelming get abortions in Muttland?
You're basically arguing for more niggers to be born just so you can dunk on roasties, that's just cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Most women who get abortions already have children.

Pro-choice means a choice, as in, no forced pregnancy and childbirth. Pro-life means pro-forced pregnancy and childbirth. Which is extremely traumatic and dangerous.

most abortions are not results of rape, nothing here is forced

The childbirth is absolutely forced and everything past conception is no longer consensual in terms of the pregnancy.

Also pro-lifers are pro-forced pregnancy even in the case of rape so spare me the "most pregnancies aren't rape!" nonsense.

70% of abortions are done by Christian women. I think the numbers about race are blatant lies. Why do you trust planned parenthood stats but you don’t trust “polls”?

And that’s false. The majority of normal people just want limits on abortion. Not outright bans. If you do it early on and for good reason it’s acceptable to most people.

>The childbirth is absolutely forced and everything past conception is no longer consensual in terms of the pregnancy.
that is so amazingly stupid ( + the fact you're embarrassed of your own nationality ) I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're baiting.

Attached: 1652471207409.png (800x934, 267.36K)

Yes, the majority of NORMAL people want some type of restrictions, like, you know, has always been the case almost everywhere. NORMAL people opposed the overturning of roe v wade.

GOP/MAGAidiot set want total bans with no exception for rape

Attached: abortion law.png (416x641, 79.78K)

I'm not embarrassed of my nationality, but I like to make it clear I am not a right winger. I am an American like most normal posters on Any Forums (an American website) and I assume all my fellow "memeflaggers" are as well.

But yes, even if the conception was an honest accident, if you force her to incubate the pregnancy for 9 months that is, indeed, nonconsensual

lol no he's not
There's plenty of libtards that screech about
>its just a clump of cells
So you're saying a fetus is less complex than bacteria


>not a human yet
It is human though? What the fuck else is it? It's a human fetus.
I think you mean something else.

Honestly I was more baffled by the concept of "forced pregnancy" when there is no rape involved, essentially diminishing women to children who can take no responsibility for their actions.
It is a human the moment sperm connects to the egg, drawing the line at any point afterwards is arbitrary and silly.

>Yes, the majority of NORMAL people want some type of restrictions, like, you know, has always been the case almost everywhere. NORMAL people opposed the overturning of roe v wade.

Attached: b50.gif (400x369, 519.9K)

The pic is irrelevant just bat to get the topic rolling

>Honestly I was more baffled by the concept of "forced pregnancy" when there is no rape involved, essentially diminishing women to children who can take no responsibility for their actions.
GOP/MAGA also believe in forced pregnancy for children, so.
Forced pregnancy is NOT a way of taking responsibility for le evils of sex. It's the opposite of responsibility. Its like forcing a house to burn down to take responsibility for the evils of cooking or something. Sex is important and good and necessary. Unwanted conception can sometimes happen.

Also rape, underage pregnancy, and pressured sex are all very much things.

Women are not sentient enough to have a choice

>Unwanted conception can sometimes happen.
don't have sex unless you're willing to take care of the child, it's that simple

>lefty retard starts to understand why women shouldn't have rights but cognitive dissonance causes him to think they should instead have the right to murder their own child, many such cases. Sad!

Pro choice are science deniers. They claim to love the science, and yet believe the transgender cult and believes that a fetus is not a living human, even after the brain develops.

I hate faggots that deny science, research, and fact because of their feelings. Same goes for religionfags btw.