THIZ IS FUCKING 85% inflation extended to 12 month

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Does that mean I don't get the loan?

Lmao how the might cradle of western civilization has fallen
Reduced to a bunch of gibs nigger

Fuck off back to Any Forumsrael

Can you translate that to a normal English?

Okay, it's the Producer Price Index Month-over-Month
Though I doubt it will be the same next month. It had some spoiled recently, so we are not running _yet_ to 85%

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Leave it to German moms to have peepees

>have stable job at large international corporation
>WFH in cheap East Germany
>rent is literally less than 10% of my wage
I'll watch democracy get what it fucking deserves from my comfy chair by the window.

While the inflation doesn't look like it is exponentially growing, the prices should be oO

Not sure if these are the infamous first world problems. As long as there is food to buy, I don't care.

Aryans who support globohomo become honorary shitskins.

And who made it out last time weimar happened.
Gold coiners.

It will get much worse the longer it goes on.

are you retarded? the actual PPI was 10x higher than previous and 8x higher than expected
that is bad and unprecedented

>Germany worked hard and became #1 euro economy, then committed economic seppuku due to NATO


>Greece lives on gibs and still a 2nd or 3rd rate europoor nation

Say what you want but Greece pulled ahead here in the long run. Being lazy and ending with little isn't great but committing economic suicide due to others and wind up even worse than Greece in the end is outright pathetic.

Usually inflation is measured on a 12 month rolling basis. The 5.3% rate quoted is on a 1 (one) month basis....

RIP in peace Germany

Krauts better start importing dry wood.

You dumbfuck, if the economy crashes you are getting layed off from your faggy tech company

bro the danube is drying out what's happening eurobros

Based. You and me both germanbro

Can somebody explain this better in a little depth what this means? I don’t understand how jew magic functions or understand all their magic words.

Karmic punishment for not rising up against Vax passports.

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I hope Russia pulls out their real military and invades the EU now

>Russia pulls out their real military
on its way

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Pic would still defeat Germany without US intervention so I don’t know why you’re laughing

That's not how the law works in Germany. They literally cannot fire me unless I fuck up big time.

What's Argentina's inflation punishment for then?