Been literally 3 months now with not a single map change in Ukraine

>been literally 3 months now with not a single map change in Ukraine
what the hell is going on?

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did you really expect better from fucking RUSSIANS

>He thought it was about the gaining land.
it's about killing white people goy

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Neither side had the resources to attack further. From now on it would be just bombing from afar and maybe the Ukrainians will try to counter-attack at Kherson before the autumn rains.

literally one of the most winning countries in military history you fucking retarded koala ape

fuck off nigger

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16,000 is pretty insignificant, it's just the cherry on top of the real reason for this war

I was fully equipped, paid a lot of zlotych to shoot at pistol range, trained hard daily, explored terrain around, got my garden, prepared all the necessary shit, bulletproof made at home things, swam in cold, covered myself in mud, slept in open air.


Fucking shit man. I hate this world.

>white people
>in Ukraine or russia

Fuck i hate mutts

Now they are worthless scum for me, even worse than in 1920 or 1939.

I spit on every russian... and khohol as well and the jews etc.

for 3 months there are some changes, severodonest, lisychansk, some villages near Kharkiv.
and this gif shows some changes from the end of july to 5 aug.

I wonder what will happen in winter

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Look at the Ukrainian front in ww2. Took some time to actually move. Watch Cross of Iron about the Kuban Bridgehead that held 9 months along pretty much the current frontline.

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GODDAMN I EVEN BOUGHT DRONE AND MADE ANTIHELICOPTER, ANTITANK GUNS. THEY DID NOT COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just slow death by jewish economical magic and propaganda.

Bleeding NATO military stock and western countries treasures.

Dog bless Bidet, best ally of Russia.

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Lots of dead White Ukrainian men. The Jewish plot to depopulate Ukraine of goyim is going super well.

All these hurr durr military videos of superior new advanced russian shit was just a fucking lie. Now I remember we are slavoids after all.

>literally one of the most winning countries in military history you fucking retarded koala ape
The hohols trained with them until 1991 so whatever Russians knows hohols know it too.

the war is fake and jewish? nahhhh that's just vatnik propagandaaaa KEK.

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>70% of the funds go missing
>Both Putin and Globohomo want to just kill white people
>OmG WhY Is ThIs WaR StiLl GoOInG On?

If Russian and Ukraine retards were smart they would stop fighting, turn their guns on the Jews and take back their land from corrupt niggers. But they don't. They never will because every single one it too afraid of the elephant nose in the room.

Ukroniggers won't do shit.


>Khazarian logo.
>But he put star wars on it! Oh my god my boy pucci is so wet!

When they win the war they can take on some refugees and finally be diverse

Zelensky said he wants to make Ukraine a new Babylon, a second Israel.

Ok, Sergei.

This is just a fact. Russians and Ukrainians are willing to die for their puppet/Jewish leader which makes up a very small number of people by fighting and possibly dying against large numbers of people. And for what? Everyone is too afraid of dying to the tiny number of Jews who are sending everyone to their death.

They've reached equilibrium and are waiting for the other side to run out of money. This is how slavs do war.

>what the hell is going on?
Very busy schedule, please understand.

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Both nations are or European origin, Christian for millenia straight and have no nigger or sizable asiatic admixture. I don't see a problem here.
Sure, USSR had a racemix politic, but commies can't do anything effectively lmao. Russia was an empire so there is some finno-ugric and Caucasian (in narrow sense) admixture, but it applies for any used-to-be empire.
Ethnic Russians and Ukrainians are white, both genetically and culturally. Stop this d&c nonsense mate.

And those people worry about being overrun by asiatic hordes.

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