This is a school kitchen in Finland. All these kids are served quality...

This is a school kitchen in Finland. All these kids are served quality, balanced food everyday at no cost to their parents. Any Forums will denounce this as socialism and claim that it interferes with a parents sacred right to feed their kids nutritionally empty goyslop from the dollar store while also claiming that the capitalist system is better than socialism.

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Nothing wrong with social programs that benefit whites. Social programs that niggers inevitability abuse is the problem.

Get rid of niggers and white life will organically improve.

it is not capitalism vs socialism
It is a high trust society vs Low trust like those in urban cities or in most of Asia.

>balanced food
This is a meme created by cereal companies. That doesn’t make any fucking sense,

>every socialist fag points to homogeneous nations

ayo holup y dis kid lookin like he finna bouta save crypto?

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Counterfiet Sminem

FPBP made you wrong. I trust you to be wrong and angry, OP. Like the majority.

Cute little nerds.

> no meat
> all plant slop
This is food for pigs. Not humans and even less suited for developing children.

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Cool but remove jews and foreigners first.
Socialism only works in homogenous states.

That's not socialism, you retarded niggerfaggot. The Republic of Finland is a capitalist country. You demented mutts think that everything foreign that you like is socialism.

Is Holland the only country where you need to bring your own food to school? I need to know.

Finland and Russia should go to war, and Sweden should get dragged in.

Hopefully, NATO stays out of it.

That's a lot of white people in one place. I wonder why it works?

The moment you introduce a single nigger to that school kitchen he will either tip over the trays, take way more than he should, or throw food at someone.

Why would anyone send their kids to public school in the first place?

lol the stereotype is real

xing xong

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>at no cost to their parents

That's not how we do things in America.

>Socialism only works in homogenous states
But then it not longer becomes necisary because people will just help each other

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We don't have cafeterias here, but I uaed to buy my lunch at the nearest mcdonalds or subway. My friends gonyo 7-11 and use their lunch money to buy slurpees instead tho.